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It is important for us that our children live their lives fully and happily. Parents came to understand that it was through their example that children carried exactly the same actions and behavior into their lives. “A child is a mirror of the family” - V.A. also spoke about this. Sukhomlinsky. And he was right. What function does a mirror serve? Reflects our image, our whole life with sorrows and joys. This morning I started talking with my son about how important it is to be yourself. It seems like a simple phrase, but it’s not easy to be yourself. When childhood ends and you enter adulthood, that’s when the parents’ scenario begins to repeat itself. I didn’t know anything about it and didn’t even think about it until a certain age. And when I repeated the scenario in raising my children, I didn’t notice it right away. And when the children began to show neurological problems, I attributed it to the doctors, mother-in-law, husband, etc. But you can’t deceive yourself; a feeling of guilt settled in your soul. And the further I went, the more irritated I became at the fruits of my mistakes, that is, at my children and husband, through whom I saw my mistakes. It’s impossible to admit without awareness, so I, like everyone else, tried not to think, I just continued to shift the feeling of guilt onto others as much as possible, it’s easier. And there is no other option. We pass on to our children only what we ourselves received from our parents, although we try very hard not to do this, but the end result is the same. I have already described the consequences. Having seen myself as a small child in my children, I did not remember how important it is to accept a child as he is, and not to break his personality. And when we scold our children for expressing their Self, and this Self is not always creativity, but also frivolity, self-pride, self-love. Yes, exactly, we block self-love in them until they are 7 years old. And if you don’t agree with me, then you still haven’t understood this, unfortunately. It is important for us that our children live their lives fully and happily. Parents have come to understand that it is through their example that children bring exactly the same actions and behavior into their lives. So, it’s easy to make a mistake, but correcting it, as it turns out, is much more difficult. And the most difficult thing that cannot be corrected in children is what you have not corrected in yourself. And no matter how much we strive to raise children we want to be proud of, it will not work without our transformation of thinking and awareness of our mistakes. Until we accept ourselves as we are and learn to live in harmony with ourselves, children will not change either. CHANGE YOURSELF AND THE WORLD WILL CHANGE AROUND YOU. Let's be honest with ourselves, first of all, and understand that we cannot help anyone if we have not helped ourselves. People strive to help others, but do not want to admit that they are doing it for themselves. And this is not selfishness, but self-love. We have a very distorted “matrix” of family and it is very important, first of all, to take care of yourself and your family. And if you and I, including our colleagues, have not come to this truth, then all our work is not worth a penny. About five years ago, I had an adult client with her mother, about 65 years old, who asked me the question: “What about How are you?”... And this is also part of the truth. In the profession of psychologist, doctor, lawyer. The educators and teachers are, as a rule, people with a distorted psyche who, through helping people, try to solve their problems. At the same time, they do not notice that they themselves have not fully dealt with their “skeleton in the closet.” Not everyone chooses a profession they like. For what parents often advise or follow in their footsteps, the prestige of the profession in society, etc. But this is one of the main points of happiness - a favorite job. How often do we do what we want with our hearts? Of course not, this is the catch in our lives. We don’t live by ourselves, we try to live like this, but this is not the same thing. We often talk about freedom, but at the same time we imprison ourselves in our own “prison,” not realizing that the longer we close ourselves off from people, the more dementia or Alzheimer’s disease and other mental disorders await us. Closing oneself away from people with one’s soul leads to these diseases. I have an article “Love - what is it”,.