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From the author: Little known facts about exactly how our soulmates choose us and how we choose them. ☯ Instinctively, every person strives to find a life partner and develop a relationship with him. You are looking for your soulmate from hundreds and thousands of other people and are always in doubt, is this the right person? Often making mistakes, we come up with new selection criteria for ourselves, which are not always correct for us. By what criteria do we actually choose our soulmate and the other half chooses us and what is best to do to speed up this selection process and not step on the same rake of disappointments. Surely you have noticed people around you who told you about the type of men or women they like, while in their personal lives these people chose companions who were not at all similar to those types. Perhaps you might have noticed this in yourself too. You can often hear from girls: “if they told me that I would marry him, I would laugh, I never liked guys like that, they’re not my type... I don’t even know myself, How did it happen that I fell in love with him. He’s probably just good..”And I hear this every day. What’s going on? Why do we often choose not those who we initially liked externally? To do this, we must generally understand how we perceive reality. We all (meaning healthy people) have five senses: vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell. Each sense organ has its own characteristics and plays a certain role in the perception of the surrounding reality. So, for example, through vision we not only see the world as it is perceived to us, but we also create and create new works of art, science and technology; hearing helps us not only to hear, but also includes abstract thinking (the desire to know the spiritual, to know ourselves, etc.); touch helps us better understand the material world through tactile sensations; taste plays the role of a chemical laboratory of our body; smell includes intuition and sexual desire. (*We will talk to you in more detail about the perception of reality in the next article.) !!How does the unconscious choice of a sexual partner occur?!!In order to understand this, let's first understand how the first contact with another occurs person and how we perceive others. Undoubtedly, the first thing we pay attention to is a person’s appearance and behavior. Thanks to this, we get the first impression of him. We also pay attention not to his timbre of voice, rate of speech, gestures, facial expressions, and all this creates in us certain impressions about this object. But since the concepts of beauty and sexuality are biased and are often imposed on us by the media, advertising, fashion, templates and standards, then and real dissonance arises. Our body perceives another person differently than our value system. This happens due to the fact that imposed patterns, thoughts and value systems form in our minds the image of who “we need”. Although, in reality, neither vision, nor hearing, nor touch and taste affect sexual desire so much, but another organ of perception is the SMELL. It is this sense organ that helps us choose the person who is most suitable for us for sexual relations. This is instinctively inherent in us by nature, like all other creatures on our planet. We, as it were, have a “second nose” that registers sexual odors in the subconscious, called pheromones. These are not the same sweat and body odors that we observe. These are more subtle smells that we cannot yet perceive consciously. It is this “second nose” that is often called human intuition, since it is directly related to the intuitive type of thinking, although scientists have not yet definitively proven this hypothesis. When passing by another person, we “sniff” the subconscious tells us that we like or dislike a person as a sexual object. Thus, the sense of smell helps us get a more complete/