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From the author: The psychotherapy of choice, paid for by insurance companies, is most often cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, which is becoming more and more “animated” and moving away from its usual protocols. In a series of articles I will try tell about this psychotherapy and why it became the psychotherapy of my personal choice. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a short-term psychotherapy that provides assistance through the modification of destructive thinking and behavior that negatively affects a person’s quality of life. The classic of the cognitive approach, A. Ellis, focused his attention on the classification and descriptions of the main irrational beliefs and judgments (according to Ellis, these are about 250 irrationalities common in modern society). Since the times of the medieval Inquisition, which burned witches at the stake to the approving hooting of the crowd, irrationality and madness have continued to exist and even increased their influence (for example, irrational traditions and mores: expensive fashion, a strong tendency to obey authority, even when the authority imposes unreasonable demands, irrational prejudices: racial, sexual, class, religious, common types of illogical thinking: overgeneralization, exaggeration, strong belief in absolutes, oversuggestibility, overcaution). These attitudes are both learned and acquired. However, modern humanity has knowledge that can help correct our false beliefs and help anyone who wishes to cope with them and move to a higher level of quality of life. Irrationality means any thought, emotion or behavior that leads to a decrease in the quality of life and loss of a sense of happiness. In more detail, it looks like this: - people can quite sincerely believe that their behavior is realistic and will lead them to what they want, whereas such behavior is in fact unrealistic in a number of ways - people slander themselves or refuse to accept themselves as they are they are - irrationality prevents the establishment of social and personal connections and relationships that a person would like to achieve - irrationality prevents profitable and enjoyable participation in any productive work.A. Ellis hypothesized that all people act irrationally in many important ways, due to the biological and social tendency of people to behave irrationally, and almost all of them do so throughout their lives, only some people are much more irrational than others. So, no one can get rid of irrationality in their life (!), but it is quite possible to become one of those who treat their lives less irrationally.