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Does it ever happen to you that thoughts about a recent (or old) conversation are spinning in your head? Or - about some kind of conflict, quarrel, when you could not restrain yourself and said too much, or - on the contrary, you did not find what to answer and swallowed the insult? You are already replaying this situation in your head for the umpteenth time, conjecturing what could have been said or done, you either blame, then feel sorry for yourself, make plans for revenge or repentance... How many times have you told yourself “stop thinking about it!”, tried to switch to something else, but obsessive thoughts come back again, deprive you of sleep, prevent you from enjoying life , plunge into despondency, and even depression. At some point you realize that you cannot control the occurrence of these thoughts. They appear in your mind against your will and completely take possession of you, control your feelings, your behavior. Doesn't this remind you of anything? That's right - this is how parasites behave. Having seized what does not belong to them, they live on someone else’s energy, increasingly devastating their carrier. They control his consciousness, his actions, giving him the opportunity to maintain his own life at a minimum level only in order to be a donor, giving the lion's share of energy to these uninvited guests. Philosophers, psychologists and other researchers of human consciousness have written about parasites of consciousness. For example, Carlos Castaneda calls their “flyers” (in the words of Don Juan): “We have a predator who has emerged from the depths of space and seized power over our lives. People are his prisoners. This predator is our lord and master. He has made us submissive and helpless. If we if we rebel, he suppresses our rebellion. If we try to act independently, he orders us not to do so... “Through your own efforts, you have achieved what the shamans of ancient Mexico called the question of questions,” he said. “I have led you in a roundabout way to that.” that something is holding us captive. Of course, we are prisoners! For the magicians of ancient Mexico this was an energetic fact." The same idea is developed by the philosopher and occultist Collins Wilson in his book “Parasites of Consciousness.” This is a science fiction novel, but in the plot about aliens and technological achievements of the future, analogies are clearly visible with what happens to the human consciousness, absorbed by “alien” thoughts. The author shows that the possibilities of human consciousness are limitless, but at the same time a person is shackled by fear all his life: he does not dare to abandon the usual stereotypes of thinking, the picture of the world, learned in deep childhood. “Human life is entirely based on premises that we perceive as given. A child perceives his parents and his home as given; later he begins to perceive his country and society as given. We need these supports, because we always have to start from something A child who has neither parents nor a home grows up with a feeling of constant danger. It happens that a child who grew up in a comfortable home subsequently begins to criticize his parents or even completely rejects them (although this is unlikely), but he begins. do this only when you stand firmly on your own feet. A person can become an original thinker only after he knocks these supports out from under his feet one by one. He may still love his parents or his country, but he loves. them from a position of strength - a force based on rejection." It may seem that such talk about evil “entities” or aliens is akin to paranoia and should not be taken seriously. But these are bright, visual images that allow us to see and understand what is happening to our consciousness, why we find ourselves hostage to our thoughts and states that do not belong to us. Why can't we focus on what really matters to us? Why do we postpone the fulfillment of our desires year after year, citing “objective circumstances” that are against us? By talking about what is happening to our own consciousness, we become".