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The poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy person is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”. © Robert Kiyosaki On a beautiful sunny morning, scrolling through the pages in contact, I literally stumbled over this statement. “How true,” I thought. And my hands naturally reached for the keyboard to start writing this article. I probably didn’t yet know what I was going to write about, but the energy was already seething. We put everything off until tomorrow: both my clients and, often, myself. What makes us constantly put off until tomorrow? How to stop putting off until tomorrow? Is it possible to unlearn this? Thinking about this, I concentratedly tapped my fingers on the keyboard. Lately I have put off until tomorrow my daily exercises at 7 am, daily memorization of 15-20 English words, regularly writing at least one article for my website, going to the store for new clothes, calling my mother , and much more. My clients also put something off all the time: either facing their own negative feelings, or moving from the world of fantasy to the world of reality, or ignoring the wind of change in their own lives... Thinking about this, I came to the conclusion, that a person is a funny creature, begins to act either out of need or out of great desire. Obviously, all the mysteries about the mechanism of “postponing until tomorrow” lie in this area, and maybe not only in this one. It turns out... I lack a great desire? So I don't act? The first impulse was to shout: “No, it’s not like that!” I want it! I really want to! But..."Or maybe I just don’t understand why I need all this? No... I definitely understand! For example, I need English to read the latest articles on psychology and communicate with foreigners, exercise to feel good and look good, etc. And then I begin to understand: there are two energies! Everything works not only on attraction, but also on repulsion. Everything is polar, there is “I want and I don’t want”, “I should and I shouldn’t”, and also “I should and I shouldn’t”. The simplest thought that comes to mind first is that if there is no particle “not”, then there seems to be no need to postpone causes. Is it so? Let's check: For example, I want to develop an effective, interesting website to promote my psychological services on the Internet. Do I want to? I definitely want it! Do I need this? I really need it! Do I have to have one? It shouldn’t be at all, I can work without it. Now let’s analyze it in the key of “putting off until tomorrow.” I got involved in learning website building with great passion; not everything was easy, but I was not going to give up. As a result, after a couple of weeks I had my own, quite nice website. I filled it with short informational articles and photographs, worked regularly and with pleasure, and at the same time, I didn’t want to put off work on the site even for a day. I sat at the computer until late, endlessly reworking the site, writing articles, filling and customizing pages, rejoicing at every little progress. But! A month and a half later, I plunged into another, deeper training course in website building, and that’s where things went wrong: according to the terms of the training, I had to complete certain tasks on time and send reports on the work done, including, I was asked to write at least 7 articles a week . I understood perfectly well the purpose for which I needed to write with such regularity, therefore, at first this condition did not cause resistance. I voluntarily accepted the obligation to meet the schedule and complete all the tasks of the online school on website building, but... suddenly my writing inspiration seemed to evaporated! By the end of the week I hadn’t written a single article! I put off writing articles every day, chalking it up to lack of inspiration, time, topics for articles, etc., the week flew by and on the last day I still had to write the same 7 articles for the site. Did I write? No! By the end of the week, the feelings were unpleasant - deadlines were missed, there was nothing to write a report about, traffic on my site was rapidly falling, and at the same time, guilt aboutundone. At that time, I did not take my own reality with a busy work schedule for my main activities and another study into account, and did not consider it as an excuse. I decided to explore the sensations. After analyzing everything that happened to me, I remembered the uncomfortable sensations in my body from the word “should”, I thought that “should”, if it does not have additional positive emotional inclusions, can kill any creative impulse. When writing articles for During the first week of the course, I seemed to be guided by two energies: “should” and “must”, and the more I was guided by them, the faster my “want” perished. And the less “I want” became, the more I put off. What are the consequences of “I don’t want”, “I shouldn’t”, “I don’t need”? Let’s say I “don’t want” to write articles for the site every day. What can motivate me to start writing them? Either pressure from outside, or the understanding that if something happens I will suffer great losses. In my case, no one can put pressure on me from the outside, because... I am learning of my own free will, as for losses - I am already bearing them, because visitors to my site began to look much less often. For 7 days, I put off writing articles every day, automatically increasing the norm for articles the next day, and again I did not performed. My inaction began to bear fruit, the guilt grew, the losses multiplied, and I was far behind in terms of deadlines. On the seventh day, I was forced to change my study schedule and take another 7 days to complete the task. I was upset, angry with myself for putting it off, I realized that I had not calculated my time and physical resources, so sooner or later I would have to catch up due to sleepless nights. “How to stop endlessly putting off until tomorrow?” - I was puzzled. I am sharing with you the results of my thoughts. PS If putting off until tomorrow has become your characteristic feature, if thanks to this habit of yours you are suffering huge losses, if you cannot stop putting off, you feel guilty, but continue to put off again and again, then I recommend the following: - decide on your goals and subgoals, develop a small step-by-step plan and try to stick to it; - decide on priorities and deadlines; - carefully weigh your strengths and capabilities, think about how much time you are willing to devote per day or per week to this matter; - come up with rewards for each case when you did not put off, but got involved in work, an activity on time; - feel and remember the positive emotions that you experience when you realize that you did everything on time; - notice and carefully remember the unpleasant emotions that arise when you still have to fulfill what has been postponed, spending much more effort, nerves, and money; - notice and remember the experience when you understand that what has been postponed is no longer possible to complete and you can only put up with losses; - replace the thought form “I will do it tomorrow" to "I will be happy to do this today"; - learn to consciously choose, listening to your feelings, sensations, knowledge, experience; - try to find in any task something pleasant or useful for you, imagine as if you have already done it and feel pleasure and satisfaction spreading throughout the body; - now act! In this article I shared with you my life experience, gave an example of how this happens in my life, shared simple, but at the same time important recommendations, following which you will certainly achieve success in self-development and radically change your habit of procrastination. Self-development is available to anyone, regardless of age, education and social status, it all starts with your great desire to change! After all, if you don’t change anything and allow bad habits to rule your life, then later you will only regret that your life passed you by! But this was your life, thoughtlessly “postponed for later”! If you can share your experience and your thoughts on this topic, you are welcome to/