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From the author: Learning to evaluate your actions and actions is not as easy as it seems at first glance, but it is a completely doable task. “How to learn to evaluate your actions and actions?” Learning to evaluate your actions and actions is not as simple as it seems at first glance, but it is a completely doable task. To do this, you need to know well your personal attitude towards yourself and towards the people around you (family, friends, acquaintances, etc.). It is also important to understand how others evaluate you from the outside. Remember what mistakes and actions of your behavior indicate to you, and try not to repeat them in the future. For personal development, the term “personal self-awareness” is very often used. And in psychological dictionaries it is defined as a person’s conscious attitude to his needs and abilities, drives, motives of behavior, experiences and thoughts. The basis of self-awareness is, first of all, self-esteem and the value system by which a person lives. A person’s self-esteem is the level of indicators and your aspirations. That is, how your ability to make plans for the future is manifested, your ability to measure your real capabilities and cope with difficulties. The evaluative component of self-education also depends on self-demandingness, the manifestation of emotional stability and a critical attitude towards successes and failures. But you shouldn’t invent complete complexes for yourself. It’s better to show your capabilities and become more active in contact with other people. For example: Do you want to check whether your idea of ​​yourself matches what others think of you? Then ask your loved ones and friends what qualities they define for you and how they evaluate your character? When communicating with people, each of us distinguishes himself from the environment in various ways. At the same time, he independently determines the motives for his actions and performs appropriate actions. And such decisions also entail our own responsibility, forcing us to act more thoughtfully. The process of self-improvement must include yourself and understanding your image. If earlier this word was given a brief description - this is a picture of a person’s appearance, and this was done exclusively by stylists, now the image itself is considered as an additional resource for success. In modern times, the meaning of image is determined by the image - a representation of not only visual perception by others, but also a form of psychological characteristics. Namely: what and how a person says, his style of thinking, imagination, behavior, etc. Therefore, a set of images of a person will be formed depending on the number of social groups in which a person communicates. In any case, from the person’s perception of a person, the need to be accepted and meet the norms of society grows. To evaluate your actions and behavior, it is also advisable to identify and acknowledge the presence of support in the family. Will family members be ready to help you or will they deny the very fact of the problem’s existence, limiting themselves to the phrases: “You’re making it up to yourself,” “Everything will resolve itself.” If you are still alone in self-knowledge of your personality, then your self-awareness can determine in which area you have a problem. And this is where you need to help yourself. This can be determined by the questions that a person can ask himself. I will give examples from practice: - “Why can’t I do it like others..?” When answering this question, there is a need to work on determining your abilities. - “What is my character?” This question is typical for people who are faced with a problem of self-esteem: “Why is this happening to me?” This question requires elaboration in self-acceptance. - “How to communicate correctly in different situations?” This question is related to impaired communication skills. - “I can’t control my emotions?” In this matter, there is a clear violation of self-regulation skills and there is a need to develop them.