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From the author: ☯ Author Evgeniy Yakushev Recently I received another letter with curses from an Orthodox fanatic. He accused me of trying to unite the “ununitable,” that is, people. That, they say, everyone who does not recognize the dogmas of religion should burn in hell and all that... Dokuche, he gave me quotes from the New Testament of the Revelation of John (Apocalypse). After re-reading this wonderful book once again, I decided to write what I posted here. Before I begin, let's remember that man has existed for several hundred thousand years, when there was no religion yet. Religions appeared later, as an element of the evolution of human consciousness. And only after, as an aspect of manipulation. But let's not talk about that. Religions played a huge role in shaping the culture of certain peoples. Without them, not a single ancient state can be imagined. Yes, and not only ancient ones. In almost any religion, God is a separate being who controls people, blesses those who serve him and punishes the disobedient. Simply put, this is how he plays with us. However, let's return to the main thing in this note. If we look at the teachings of Jesus not through the prism of religion and dogma, but as if from an outside perspective, we can notice that this undoubtedly enlightened man only called for paying attention deep into oneself. He never said that heaven and hell are specific places. While, showing that “the kingdom of heaven is within you” (Luke 17:20-21). In other words, hell and heaven are the internal states of a person. Depression, guilt, fear, shame, etc. can also be considered as a kind of hell. While joy and happiness are heaven. And if so, then the Book of Revelations of John or the Apocalypse is only a description of the internal state of a person, who shared with us in the form of metaphors and allegories in the last chapters of the New Testament. This means that everything that is spoken about in scripture is spoken of states, and not about individual subjects, subjects, objects and geographical places. These are all ordinary metaphors. Then let's return to the main intrigue of Christianity - the second coming of Christ. What might this mean for all of us: believers and non-believers? I dare to suggest that we are not talking about a specific person who will suddenly come as a physical object and defeat “evil.” Rather, we are talking only about the internal state of consciousness, when each person becomes that very “Christ” and frees himself from the feeling of separation from everything else, that is, from being tied to his attitudes, beliefs, addictions, etc. In general, this is pure psychology. Go beyond your own beliefs in which you once believed. Already now, millions of people are beginning to realize that all psychological problems do not come from outside, but are some kind of illusion in which they believed. What I mean? Any psychological or spiritual problem is just an illusion, a thought, a belief that a person has endowed with power and significance by once believing in it. If you remove the importance of this thought, let it go and become aware of it as an outside observer, then you will be able to notice that the problem never existed in the first place. It was just your thought with which you identified. But thoughts and experiences are not you. This is just a small part of you. Like there is an ocean and waves. Waves cannot be separated from the ocean. They are an integral part of it. There is a wonderful principle that puts everything in its place. And this is the principle of awareness. All you need is to stop believing in anything and just start being aware. And this is only possible when you can answer your questions: - Who am I? Where I am? And who or what in me is aware of all this? Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Abraham, Adam, etc. are simply internal states that have been described by people in the form of metaphors. From this point of view, any religion takes on a completely different meaning - psychotherapeutic, in which you do not need to believe. It's better to be aware of it. That's why,.