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This question interests many unmarried girls, and, probably, their parents who want happiness in family life for their child. It is clear that the issue of choosing a partner is very serious, especially for a girl. Because a woman realizes herself mainly in the internal sphere of life (family, children). And a man, on the contrary, in the external, social sphere (work, material well-being, social status). The initial stage of a relationship. It is from these criteria that you need to start when choosing a husband. Try to be open to all kinds of relationships in the initial stages. This does not mean the sexual aspect, but simply acquaintance and communication. So to speak, cast ten fishing rods, and then the bigger and better fish bites, and pull that one. How to find the best fish? This should be a serious man with good intentions, who plans to take care of you and marry you in the future. And don’t think that you will immediately develop strong feelings for him. On the contrary, a woman should avoid such feelings in the early stages of dating. Because it’s just the way it is that in the initial stages of a relationship, women have a cold, reasonable mind. At the beginning, she always asks herself if she wants to marry this person. And if the answer is yes, then only the woman decides how the relationship will develop. Only then does she fall in love with her chosen one and get used to him. Over time, a woman’s love for her husband only increases. A man, on the contrary, in the initial stages of a relationship falls deeply in love and loses his mind, and over time, having entered into marriage, his love gradually weakens. And the relationship is already based mainly on the wife. This is the reason why some women cannot get married. They think that men should choose them and will not understand why this does not happen. But in fact, it’s the other way around: guys court, and girls, accepting courtship, choose. The secret of strong marriages. The next rule is to find a man who wants to cook, do laundry, and look after him. The secret to long and strong marriages is mutual selflessness. If in the early stages of a relationship there is no feeling of trust and unconditional respect for a man, then later, with the appearance of additional problems, it certainly will not arise. And the most important thing is that it will cost you a lot of work later to relearn and learn to serve a loved one without demanding anything in return. You should not choose to create a relationship a man who is strongly attached to alcohol, smoking or women. In modern society, it is believed that being a womanizer, smoking or drinking with company is, on the contrary, a sign of a real man. Actually this is not true. Scientists have proven that such husbands usually do not achieve great success and respect, both at work and in family life. And if a man can overcome the temptation to women and bad habits, then he will become stronger. It will be easier for such a person to deal with external difficulties and manage his emotions. If a man loves one woman, he will be respected and appreciated at work by both men and women, and this way he will be able to achieve more in the social sphere. And the most important rule in creating good family relationships is that like is attracted to like. Dear girls, if you want to marry a prince, become a princess. Work on yourself, on your character qualities. Try, even if you are not yet married, to behave like a good wife: learn to cook deliciously, dress beautifully, but not provocatively, behave civilly in society. This will increase your level of needs regarding men and increase your chances of meeting a good, faithful husband. SUPPORT THE AUTHOR