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In the last two months, apparently due to the spring thirst for change, I often encounter requests for decisions. I want positive changes, but I can’t decide to take action, or I don’t have a clear understanding of whether this is necessary at all. Even in a demo consultation the other day there was such a request) Demo using the “Dilts Pyramid” In my practice, in order to understand whether the path is chosen correctly , the pyramid of logical levels or the “Dilts Pyramid” has proven itself to be very effective. If you are at a crossroads, cannot make a decision, doubt your choice, then today I want to share with you a self-help exercise based on the principle of the “Dilts Pyramid”. Very often We, passionately wanting something, do not understand the true motives, because of this doubts arise. This exercise will help you better understand yourself and make a choice. To begin, formulate a request. For example, “Should I change my job?” Rate your confidence in the need for this step on a scale from 1 to 10. Level of environment. Answer the questions regarding the request: When do I want to do this? Who/what is there for me when I want to change jobs? What/who helps/supports me?2. Action level. Answer the questions taking into account what surrounds you: When you have what surrounds you (answers to point 1), what actions will be required of you to change jobs? 3. Level of ability and knowledge. Answer the questions taking into account the answers to the first two points. What abilities, skills, abilities will you need to achieve what you want, taking into account the environment and the necessary actions? Do you have these abilities, skills and abilities? If not, where/how/when can you get them?4. Level of values ​​and beliefs. Answer the questions taking into account the above points. When you have (answers from point 1), and when you know how and what to do (answers from point 2), and you have (answers from point 3), then why do you need (Your request) change of job? Why is this important to you?5. Level of identity. Answer the questions taking into account the answers to point 4. When you understand why you need to change jobs, what kind of person are you? Who do you feel like? Who are you? Feel this state, stay in it.6. Highest mission level. From a state of identity, answer the questions. Why do you need this? What will fulfilling what you want give you? 7. Rate your confidence in the need for this step on a scale from 1 to 10. It is important to pronounce or write down the answers. PS. Of course, everything is individual and the technique does not work with everyone. But it is effective in most cases. Start an exciting journey to yourself with gentle support and support. Sign up for an online meeting +7 967 233 11 33 WhatsApp/Telegram/Skype (500 rub/30 min).