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Today is April 1st and I want something not too serious. Once upon a time there was a coronavirus... This is how many fairy tales begin, and ours is no exception. So, there was a coronavirus. He was very talented, incredibly strong and very handsome... At least, that’s what he thought to himself, however, maybe that was really the case. But he was not appreciated! He did not remember his mom and dad. Maybe he never even received maternal love, and if there were special, viral psychologists, they would say that this made a strong impression on him, trauma, so to speak. But there were no psychologists around him, or maybe he didn’t turn to them. In addition to everything, his life was, to put it mildly, not smooth. He lived with some bat mice. He ate, you know, haphazardly and all sorts of rubbish. Including mice. At the same time, others lived around him. These others had mothers. It’s true that mothers are somehow not correct. They didn’t give me enough money for my 35th birthday. And even as a child, they didn’t buy all those toys that they pointed at. And they didn’t give me an apartment as a gift, which is completely out of the ordinary! Was it difficult for them? These others ate the best. So much so that many of them were already overweight. But they also complained forever. Either the foie gras is burnt or the shrimp are wrong. In fact, not everyone ate foie gras, someone complained that beef was expensive, that the cabbage in the store was not of the same quality. And there are a lot of other problems here! Either a vote on amendments to the Constitution, or some other problem of the century, a new government, for example, forget about the old one. Coronavirus decided to please people. He began to eavesdrop on what people were saying and asking for. And people asked. I want: So that I don’t have to go to work! So that I can spend more time with my children! So that I don’t have to go anywhere, but lie on the couch, and so that no one makes comments for it, and ideally, so that they also praise me for it! So that all these rich people who own millions suddenly lost a lot of money! Many, many more things people asked for. Without thinking seriously about your requests... But be afraid of your desires, they will come true! He listened to the coronavirus and decided to help people. He came to them and everything happened that they asked for! You don’t have to go to work. You can spend a lot of time with the children. Here is the sofa, lie around as much as you like, and they also thank you for it on TV! All the rich people in the world lost a lot of money at once! Those who had a billion are now left with only 900 million. And there are those who are generally in ruins. They only have 800 million left from a billion! And a lot of what people asked for came true. True, every coin has two sides. The other side of this coin was that many people around the world became seriously ill, and many more died. Millions of people around the world have lost their jobs, and hundreds of millions have been temporarily unemployed. What did you want? Have you asked for all of the above? Receive it and sign it. But how many people asked something like, “I want to lie on the couch all day long”! Or, “I want to spend more time with my children!” They clarified that I want all this, but so that people around the world don’t die, so that they can get paid and not be afraid every day? So we got it... And who was made to blame? Coronavirus! Imagine, he wanted the best, he did everything they asked. And then they accused him? And at the same time, even before that he was injured. Nobody loved him, didn’t accept him, he didn’t have a mother. He ate whatever he could find... And then everyone got mad at him, they declared war on him! He looked and looked at this coronavirus and he realized that one cannot become famous for good deeds. He became seriously angry and declared war on all of humanity! “He rushed to my chest: But I managed to stick it in my throat and turn my weapon twice... He howled, rushed with all his strength, And we, intertwined like a pair of snakes, Embracing tighter than two friends, Fell at once, and in the darkness The battle continued for!