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Many people have probably never even heard of kinesiology, although it has officially existed since the 60s and is widespread in the USA, Australia, European countries and especially in Israel. This is a fast-growing and most exciting, powerful form of therapy that combines muscle testing and balancing of acupuncture meridians through gentle touch. In many countries, kinesiology has become an integral part of healthcare. In Russia, this direction appeared only in the 90s. It was brought to Moscow by Carol Honz. Although in Russia the study of motor activity officially began in the 30s of the 20th century with the work of Professor N.I. Bernstein. The founders of the direction are Gordon Stokes and Daniel Whiteside, who developed the kinesiological concept “One Brain. Three in one". What does it mean? This means that in the work of a kinesiologist, he pays attention to all three components - the unity of body, mind and spirit. The main method of examination is muscle testing of the indicator muscle in order to determine the priority of stress and their corrections, which are selected from a wide range of techniques for stress relief. If necessary, some of these exercises are used as homework. Kinesiology is one of those methods that can bring relief in many areas of our activities. A practicing kinesiologist is able to help in solving many psychological and psychosomatic problems. A kinesiologist does not treat the disease! His task is to dispel fear and return the client to CHOICE. Using special kinesiological tools, the corrector: - restores the balance of energy in the client’s body; - removes muscle blockage resulting from one or another stressor; - helps to rethink traumatic situations; - find a solution to the current situation or a situation from long ago, but which continues to have its traumatic effect effect on a person; - allow oneself to be who he is, that is, returns the client his natural true “I”; - restores interhemispheric interaction and thereby establishes contact between a person’s brain and his body... What blocks a person’s ability to learn? There are countless reasons why a person, young or old, might experience this type of difficulty. For example, it could be a birth injury such as: forceps, extrusion, induction of labor, or caesarean section; or maybe it was a conflict based on blood group or Rh conflict between the child and mother, and there was a high titer of antibodies in the blood; or the child reacted poorly to injection immunization, or perhaps there was hemolytic disease of the newborn and the child was without a mother for a long time, or a massive cephalohematoma, possibly a fractured clavicle, etc.; the time when the child was taught to read and write was also less pleasant; and if his parents divorced or his grandparents died; perhaps there was food stress... The list goes on and on. Thus, any unresolved trauma or stress, whether physical or emotional, can lead to neurological disorganization. The wonderful thing is that kinesiology works in such a way that in the process of correction, the client himself is able to get to the root of the problem, find out where the energy blocks are and how to correct them, and the kinesiologist only acts as a guide in this journey of self-discovery of the client. Imagine that the human body is a machine in which a certain energy flows through many channels and wires, allowing the machine to perform all the necessary functions. This machine has been functioning for a long time and it was periodically repaired by local mechanics and, as expected, at home too. What if the wiring is faulty? Somewhere the contacts have burned out, somewhere a piece of wire is smoldering, somewhere there is a gap in the channel and the energy is lost to nowhere or maybe even directed to the wrong devices where it should be... Then the energy is in full, as it was intended when I'm not able to».