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The topic of self-esteem and self-confidence is closely intertwined in my practice with clients’ requests for weight loss or eating disorders that lead to excess weight. I will give a collective image as an example from practice. Let's call her Natasha. Let her be 36 years old, she works in an office, and working with people, she needs to be “on her toes” all the time... And now the woman complains about being overweight, about “night eating,” about compulsive overeating. He really wants to lose 15 kilograms, but he can’t do it. He really loves cakes, he can’t pass up cake, at work they often snack on sweet tea and a bun, but so what, colleagues suggest how to refuse, they’ll be offended. In the evening after work, he’s so tired and has so much In just one day, it happened that you just want to pet the cat and quickly eat something “substantial”, preferably fried wings, they are very tasty. And since there is no time to cook, it is better to buy them ready-made, in fast food or at the deli. With French fries. Have something sweet and wash it down with some sweet tea. There’s so much stress at work, the boss is nagging again and threatening to deprive her of her bonus, how dare she! But she can’t tell her anything, and what if she gets fired, where to go then at that age... And to relax after a busy day, it’s better to turn on the series. It’s hard to tear yourself away from the series, you finally don’t think about problems, and when she finally looks up from the screen, it turns out that it’s already two o’clock in the morning, and it seems... really hungry! You can’t fall asleep on an empty stomach, right? In the morning you barely wake up, the alarm clock has been going off for a long time , but there is no strength. I already have to run to work, have no time to have breakfast, take a shower and go back to the office. And on weekends she sleeps until one o’clock in the afternoon, I need to get some sleep, then clean up, go to my mother, I still haven’t found time for myself. What? Exercise stress? No time. No, I bought an annual subscription to the gym, but of course, there was a promotion, but eight months have already passed, and I’ve been there a couple of times, I don’t have time... How do we work with such a request? Using metaphorical associative cards, we make diagnostics using the balance wheel technique those areas on which normal weight directly depends. Then we clarify the client’s goals. Most people set fairly realistic goals to lose 10-15 kilograms. Timing is important here. I want to say right away that losing weight by more than 3 kilograms per month through diets and strict restrictions will only lead to psychological breakdowns and aggravate compulsive overeating. Therefore, psychological support for weight normalization lasts from 3 months with online meetings once a week .At a certain period, the so-called “plateau” is reached, when the weight stops, and the client begins to worry a lot about it. Therefore, at this stage, it is important to continue working with a psychologist in order to avoid breakdowns and disappointments in oneself, this is a normal stage. An important stage of work is the establishment sleep and nutrition patterns. Physical activity is also important, but without exhausting workouts in the gym. Without analyzing what the client’s secondary benefit is in maintaining the existing weight, it is difficult to achieve success. In particular, this is why dietary restrictions and purchasing a fitness subscription do not change the situation for the better on a long-term basis. The key is changing your self-image and emotional triggers that lead to eating emotions. If you have long wanted to change your weight and stop criticizing yourself for your appearance , depriving yourself of the pleasure of living in the present, if you want to be confident, increase self-esteem, treat yourself with acceptance and love, come for an online consultation