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Method one. Change your questions. Change your favorite question “Why?” to the question “Why?” The question "Why?" addressed to the past, which we cannot change, and only helps to alleviate our feelings of guilt or identify the culprit, but in no way brings us closer to resolving the situation. Having found the answer to the question “Why?” we usually feel relieved, because it’s logical, reasonable and explains a lot, and most importantly, now that we’ve found the answer, it’s as if we don’t need to change anything in our lives. For example, failures in personal life can be explained by difficult relationships in the parental family. But this explanation will not bring us any closer to a successful personal life. The question “Why?” addressed to the present and reflects the current needs of the current moment. Answering the question “Why?” we receive a list of specific tasks that need to be solved. The answer to the question “Why aren’t my relationships working out?” will lead us to the need to learn to define our own boundaries, declare our desires, be in touch with ourselves and our bodies, etc. The question “Why?” shows what we must learn. Try changing the questions for a week and see how your life changes. Method two. Last wish: Before the death penalty, a person has the right to one last wish. Imagine that what you are doing (reading an article, drinking coffee, driving a car, talking to a child, smoking, looking out the window) is your last wish before death. How do your feelings change? What becomes more noticeable? What disappears? Live like this, at least for a day (it is especially important to maintain this feeling in morning and evening traffic jams). Throughout the day, you retain the feeling of the last action in your life. Method three. Say “Thank you.” Say “Thank you” to everything that surrounds you, everything that happens to you. Just say “thank you.” One day say “thank you” to everything that happens. Method four. Slow down. Start living a little slower: speak slowly (1 word about 6 seconds, this is the speed of movement of our soul), taste food, not eat it, walk, not run, see, not look. Start putting clothes on, rather than hastily pulling them on. Even try to rush a little slower. Method five. Exercise. Make one change in your life (morning exercises, raw food diet, facial massage, learning Spanish, tantric sex, wumbling, etc.). One, but quite significant change that you need to spend time and effort on. This change may not be costly financially, but should occupy part of your everyday life. Method six. Psychotherapy. Personal psychotherapy, training, education is a great way to change your own life. It is expensive, painful, but effective. Method seven. Take action. Stop reading smart books, making promises to yourself, waiting for Monday or New Year, salary, vacation. Get started right now. Close this article, classmates, news on VKontakte, turn off the TV, stop talking on the phone, look at the horoscope, discuss the latest gossip. Take action. Ask yourself: “What did I do today to make my life different?” Change your social circle. Don't look at those who failed, look at those who succeeded. Good luck to you! Want to know more? Subscribe to the "Five Steps to a Fulfilling Relationship" newsletter and read the latest articles. Sincerely, Yulia Minakova.