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From the author: How to recognize the owner of the house? Sometimes they believe that this is the one who has the maximum responsibility and responsibilities. But this is not so. In order to be the head of a family, maximum responsibility is not enough; you need to accept it all - in full, and it is certainly not necessary to have maximum responsibilities. In life, you can often find families in which the man considers himself the head of the family. But does this mean that he is the master of the house? Often this is not actually the case, he just wants to be. It’s convenient to boss your wife around and do nothing except earn money. Many women are not happy with this. Firstly, because many modern women work and earn money themselves, and secondly, solving everyday household issues is more within the competence of women. Let's just say that they have more to do with everyday household chores. But this is not even the main thing - a woman wants to have a family. A real family - with harmonious, warm relationships with mutual understanding. And where will mutual understanding come from if a woman goes from work to “work”, and a man from work to billiards or to the sofa? Sometimes you can hear the opinion that if the “breadwinner” earns good money, and even in his free time from work he does men’s work around the house - he fixes, fixes, the proverbial “hammers a nail”, then for sure - he is the master of the house. I don’t know who came up with this. . But this is far from true. It’s just that when a man is “at work all the time,” a woman is forced to take responsibility for her family. In other words, manage the family, including budgeting, withdrawing from the husband the full amount of his income (unless he has time to make a nest egg). What does this lead to? - to a distortion of family roles. The man continues to “puff out his cheeks”, posing as the head of the family. But with all this, he receives directive tasks from his wife, which must be carried out urgently or within a clearly specified time frame. Very often, for this reason, conflicts begin, and as a result, families even break up. The imbalance of family roles is when a woman begins to play a male role in the family, and a man, following her, begins to fulfill a female role. Fulfilling a woman's role does not mean starting to wash dishes, cook, wash and clean. Fulfilling a woman's role for a man means not taking full responsibility for his family and not leading his family the way an effective CEO does in his enterprise. Allow a woman to lead the family. If a man has not accepted full responsibility for everything that happens in the family, and a woman is forced to take his responsibility upon herself, a struggle for power begins. There are numerous complaints from the wife against her husband, since he does not want to follow her orders. Constant quarrels, pressure, and the one who first cannot bear it leaves the family. Often the struggle for power is waged on an unconscious level. The spouses begin to look for any shortcomings in each other and find... They hit self-esteem. They give rise to mutual resentment, because everyone knows that he is not like his spouse is trying to make him out to be. There is no more negative factor for family disharmony than skewed family roles. This is the main reason for family disharmony. How to prevent such a situation?Men1. If you are a man, take full responsibility for your family. This is not easy to do, it takes time, but there is no other way to family happiness and well-being.2. The main thing is to manage your family 24 hours a day like a real manager. Delegating tasks and responsibilities to other family members. Perform only those tasks that rightfully belong to you.3. At the family council, develop, agree and accept family rules by which the family will live. This will make it easier for you to manage your family on a daily basis.4. Remember that a wise ruler rules without being noticed. Your highest goal is caring for your family, maximizing the development of all its members, including yourself!