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In the life of every person, a state of impasse occurs. It is then that the feeling arises that everything is bad, nothing can be changed or improved. This is the state of “little death”, i.e. right now, as you are, you cannot live any further. Dead end. And there is only one positive way out - you need transformation: changing yourself, your feelings in life, new meanings and goals. Now everyone is familiar with the words: depression, apathy, crisis, stress. They are usually used as synonyms, but this is not true. Depression means pressure, i.e. you have a process that is suppressed and closed from you. He is not aware. This is why it is difficult to understand how to change the state. It is very difficult, without certain skills, to understand for yourself why I feel so bad, I am in no mood, and the colors of life have faded. When depressed, you try to cling to the old, do the usual, or do what previously brought relief. But, alas, the methods are not the same; they have become obsolete. It looks like old and shabby furniture, it used to be convenient and comfortable, but now it is crumbling and breaking right under you. So, depression is a state in which the strength and energy you need are hidden. Apathy is a prolonged depression, i.e. you have a process or processes that remain unclear and unconscious to you. With apathy, the condition is much deeper and more severe. It looks like a picture after a bombing: destruction, darkness, hopelessness. No strength, no energy, no life. So, apathy is a long-term state, with a very small amount of necessary resources. Stress - according to the author (Selye), who proposed the meaning of the term - is the body’s basic adaptive reaction to abnormal events in the world. Under stress, your body reacts by changing bodily sensitivity in order to function in a new and unusual environment. Stress is beneficial in limited amounts (eg: dousing with ice water once a day) and is harmful when exposed to it continuously (eg: dousing with ice water for 5 hours) and then it becomes a traumatic experience. So, stress is the body’s reaction that you need to adapt to changing conditions. A crisis is a combination of various factors: social, material, spiritual. In a crisis, external and internal reality come together. And of course, crisis is death. The death of outdated views, beliefs, attitudes, patterns of behavior, old types of reactions, old ways of thinking. In death there is a colossal resource for change and transformation. In a symbolic form, the crisis is shown in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” where the main character dives into boiling milk (in order to die) and is born from it in a new social status (hereinafter referred to as a king and a married man), with a different material and spiritual world, a different feeling and perception of oneself. So, a crisis is a period in life necessary for developing oneself and changing the quality of life. How can you help yourself during a crisis, stress, depression? • The first thing to do is to give up illusions. They are the ones who prevent us from living in harmony with ourselves and the surrounding reality. • Next, you need to give up hope that the past can be returned. It will never be the same again. • It is then very important to accept the situation as a whole, without blaming yourself or others. In another way, take responsibility for your life.• In case of stress and crisis, it is important to react emotionally and physically right on the same day, until you fall asleep. Life is kind to you, otherwise it would not bring crises into your life, depression, stress. Each of us can only develop in discomfort. And remember, the more multifaceted your crises, the more alive and free you will feel. Die and be reborn like a phoenix bird, in order to live and breathe deeply, enjoy the little things and appreciate every second of your unique and inimitable life! Sincerely, Anna Skorobogatova.