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In the throne room, everyone was busy with their own affairs. A graceful dancer swayed behind the screen. The foodie, bored, threw another portion of porridge into the trash can. The eternal student was re-reading some important book. Whispers were heard here and there. Everything is as always...Somewhere outside the walls of the throne room there was a bang. It shuddered loudly (the word doesn’t quite fit, but at least it’s censored). The palace residents were alarmed. Running, screaming. The Little Tyrant rushed to the throne, Guilty Krivoruchka knocked him off his feet and burst into tears. The Psychologist crept up to the throne, but the Russian Baba glared so much that the enthusiasm subsided. The doors to the throne room opened, and there was deathly silence in the hall. A gray figure silently glided along the floor. The face, as always, is hidden under the robe. Not tall, with her head down. She did not utter a sound, and people took a step to the side, giving way to her. Previously, when she appeared, the other residents scattered around the castle, avoiding meeting her. Only Sentiment and Moaning Myrtle were loyal to her. However, today no one was going to run away from the throne room or fight for the throne, maybe age, maybe therapy... She ascended to the throne. It got dark outside and the fireplace was lit. Somewhere music started playing, Moaning Myrtle picked up the melody. Sadness sighed. YazhPsychologist covered her with a blanket, sat down next to her and leaned his elbows on the throne. He no longer wanted the crown at all; he was lost in thought. It was Sadness’s special ability to plunge everyone around into thinking about the futility of existence. Someone brought a TV, the queen of the evening sighed with satisfaction: “Memories are good.” Everyone in the hall was glued to the screen, many knew the main character, no one could say anything bad about him, but now they shouldn’t... The Psychologist looked at his watch and glanced sideways at the door. A new contender for the throne will soon come. Without her, such “shyness” does not pass...****Morning. A blanket is casually thrown over the back of the throne and the pensive Queen gently touches its fringe. “It seems like it’s going to rain,” Captain Obvious looked sadly out the window. The silence was destroyed..."It smells damp, the wiring is short again," a voice was heard from under the table. "Who let a child in here? This is no place for children!" - the gray-haired old woman hissed with displeasure. “Grandma, the child has grown up a long time ago, don’t provoke it,” whispered YazhPsychologist. “It seems to me that the significance of this event is exaggerated. This in no way affects the life of the kingdom.” “There are mice in the pantry again, let’s get down to business, will someone wash the dishes?” - The switchman tried to save the situation. “How is this possible? We had to do something! I should have...” - Krivoruchka burst into tears. “Shut your mouths and fuck your conscience!” - The hysterical woman jumped up from the table, there was a rumble of a falling chair. “Leave her alone, she just sat down.” - The Psychologist seated the jumping Conscience in her place and handed her an anti-stress coloring book. She, like a diligent student, returned to her work. The Superhero straightened his cloak: “There is a proposal, we could..” A scandal was brewing... Sadness fidgeted nervously on the throne. The dissociative woman slipped out of the hall like a shadow and lowered the switch... Silence. The inhabitants of the castle froze. The secretary took out a notebook, straightened his jacket and walked up to the throne: “We need a plan.” Sadness stood up, wrapped herself in a blanket and went to the window. “First of all, there are too many of us here - the King looked around the room and began to write - Secondly, we need to check the supply of resources, Single worker, do this. Don’t touch the switch until she returns. Thirdly, we still need to wash the dishes, this will give us time, we’ll wait for news from the border, then we’ll decide what to do. I’ve already crossed out the excess, let’s save energy..." Little Sonya glanced sideways at the throne; she would have loved to curl up on it, but she didn’t want to anger the Secretary today. The sad girl sighed. The secretary looked sideways at her, she was preventing him from concentrating and sometimes it seemed that she was breathing so loudly on purpose so that everyone would remember why she came. As if sensing his mood, someone turned on the music and she...