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If you look at our lives, we are faced with conflicts everywhere. Starting from banal quarrels in transport to armed clashes - all these are conflicts; over time, there are more and more different types of conflicts, as the development of society causes the emergence of more and more new interests and values. There are conflicts between fathers and children. There are conflicts between a man and a woman. Rich and poor - conflicts between the haves and the have-nots. Conflict can be hidden or obvious, soft or hard, but it cannot not exist at all. It can even be non-conflict in nature. But this just means that the conflict is tolerable, bearable, does not disrupt the more or less normal course of life, and does not require specific and immediate resolution. Where do conflicts come from? Conflicts do not come from anywhere, they are contained within ourselves. Even if you create for a person all the conditions that he would like for himself, he will quickly find a reason for dissatisfaction. Man is a remodeler, and his life is a constant desire to change at least something in this world. Conflict is evidence that there is an ideal, and it differs from the real current state of affairs, and this situation must be changed towards closer to the ideal . Bigger, better, further, richer, differently. There is no conflict-free life. In any family, with all the love, there are conflicts. Conflict is the source of development and the key to progress. This is a contradiction that needs to be resolved. This is a potential difference as a source of energy. Conflicts have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, conflicts do not allow society to ossify, they force it to rebuild and change, on the other hand, they become the causes of disagreements, quarrels, resentments and other clashes, even wars. We are accustomed to perceive conflicts as a negative phenomenon that should be avoided by any means because they often lead to disorder, instability, violence, expenditure of large material, time and emotional resources, slow down and complicate decision making. Meanwhile, modern research shows that in the absence of conflict, development stops, regardless of whether we are talking about an individual, group or organization. That is why scientists talk less and less about conflict resolution and increasingly use the expression “conflict management.” Conflict reveals and resolves contradictions that arise in relationships between people and thereby contributes to social development. All transformations that occur during a conflict are simultaneous and interconnected. One thing is certain: conflict is a normal phenomenon and the biggest mistake is ignoring it, trying to present the situation in such a way that everything goes smoothly. The best conflict resolution strategy is one that involves as many parties as possible in resolving a difficult situation in order to identify all the motives and allow one to make one or another choice the most optimal. This should be a strategy of cooperation, since it is precisely this that most often makes conflicts functional. You should not mislead yourself and others with the help of the myth of a universal harmony of interests. We will achieve more effective results in our actions if we do not turn a blind eye to conflicts, but follow certain rules aimed at regulating them. “As you know, a pearl is born if a grain of sand that irritates it gets into the shell of a mollusk,” and the truth is born in a dispute, the point is to avoid violence in this dispute, and if it does occur, “to find a way out of deadlock situations.” We must understand, first of all, that our quarrels and disagreements are part of life and that it is a mistake to try to avoid them. When assessing the consequences of a conflict, the great difficulty is the subjectivity of the judgments of each participant in the conflict. For example, the reconstruction of an enterprise, which became possible as a result of an industrial (social-labor) conflict, is an objectively positive phenomenon, but from the point of view of part.