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A camp is a place where your child lives an independent life for three weeks. At camp, he can try himself in a new role, show hidden talents, or show an unexpected side of himself. May gain self-confidence, friends, or psychological trauma for life. How to choose the right camp to avoid trouble? I will tell you a few simple but important things when choosing a vacation spot for your child.1. Sanatorium and camp: what is the difference? Sanatoriums are often hidden behind trade union camps. What is the difference? At the camp, your child ends up in the same squad with his peers from different parts of the country or region. A group of children of different ages, but from the same city, usually goes to the sanatorium. There are no counselors in the sanatorium, but there are nannies who are with the children only during the day, and one, or at best two accompanying persons. That is, after dinner and until the morning no one really watches over your children (it all depends on the accompanying person). Your child may be placed in a room with older children who may laugh and mock him, simply because he is weaker and cannot defend himself . In the camp, your child will live in the same room with peers, his squad will be supervised by three to four counselors (one counselor for ten children). In addition, in camps, a program of events is most often thought out for the entire shift, where there is everything: competitions and relay races , creative evenings and discos, various games. As well as cartoons, films and a library for those who do not like activity. In general, camp always involves activity and constant involvement of the child in various activities. Therefore, if your child is tired of extracurricular activities, you should think about a more relaxing holiday for him and choose a sanatorium with wellness treatments or a family vacation.2. Type of campCamps are different: sports, language (linguistic), career guidance, business camps, etc. A camp can become not just relaxation and entertainment for a child, but also a useful experience. For example, in business camps, all activities are aimed at developing the child’s business skills. Children learn to create a business, sell, interact with each other and much more. Language camps involve learning foreign languages ​​and maximum immersion in the language environment. Most often, such camps are located abroad, among native speakers. Career guidance camps are focused on self-determination and conscious choice of profession by children. As a rule, the educational program of such camps includes various trainings that develop practical skills, role-playing games, real-life simulations, as well as excursions to various companies.3. Counselors This is a very important aspect of any camp. After all, these people will be with your child in the next three weeks, and if, God forbid, something happens to him, they will be with him before you. It is their qualifications that can play a key role. The counselor can either resolve the conflict and unite the team, or aggravate the situation, and thereby harm the child. There are many examples of counselors’ negligence, and it seems to me that the worst of them is an indifferent attitude towards the psychological comfort of children and the climate in the detachment. There is a myth that counselors are usually students of psychological or pedagogical faculties. But this is far from true. In some camps, counselors are people who, in their profession, are far from understanding child psychology and age-related characteristics of upbringing. In addition, I myself was once in a camp where our detachment of 120 people had six counselors, whom we allocated only in the morning and evening. We generally went to the sea alone!4. Living conditions In the post-Soviet space, a large number of camps are in very unique conditions. Bunk beds and 15 people in a room are sometimes not the worst thing that can happen. Food, visiting the sea, sporting events... Find out how it works in the camp you are going to".