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When will this all end? When will it improve? Now many people are concerned about these questions, and I will explain why you urgently need to stop asking them and replace them with other questions. They do not imply any participation from you in this process. They do not depend in any way on your decision, that is, they are not in your zone of influence, which means asking them and searching for an answer to them is futile and takes up energy and time. What questions should you ask yourself in order to be most effective, least dramatic? go through such periods? How can my attitude towards the situation help me get through this period in the best way for me? How can I change my attitude towards a situation, problem, crisis, war? How can I improve my situation and the situation of the world as a whole through my actions? etc. Perhaps you will have your own questions. Do you understand the difference? Are you a participant in the process here? This is your zone of influence. Unlike the questions in the title. We have all entered a new era, what is happening now did not happen suddenly, it was preceded by a fairly long period when the problem or conflict was hidden from the majority, or the majority simply did not want to notice it, they thought how Somehow it will resolve itself, be resolved. But no. Any crisis goes through several stages, hidden and manifest. So the situation has simply reached the next logical level. Many are faced with the fact that they cannot accept the new reality. They don't like her, they want to return to the old world. But the old world no longer exists, and the new one does not suit them. Causes a lot of fears, doubts, aggression. How to help yourself accept a new reality for us: 1. Look at the situation from a different angle. This is always useful. From the point of view of politics, economics, sociology, history, philosophy, astrology.2. Take a panoramic look at the situation currently happening in the world. It's like you're watching it from the outside. What do you see. How do they behave alone? What about others? How might this describe them? Step back 300 years and look at the processes of politics and economics during this period. How did the situation change?3. Maintain neutrality and try to see the situation through the eyes of participants in the events of our time: countries, people, communities, organizations, etc. 4. See the cyclical nature of certain events. These cycles occur not only in our lives, but also in the lives of states, as well as the entire planet. 5. We are all part of a single system, the system influences us, but we can also influence the system. 6. Egoism does not help in this situation, only the one who thinks about the whole goes through such periods easier, he has a goal that is much larger than himself, it becomes connected with the whole. 7. You will have to choose a side because it will determine your future path. Consider how acceptance and rejection determine your next actions. 8. Engage critical thinking. Reflect, compare, draw conclusions, criticize and refute, this will help you reduce your emotional background and look at the situation with a rational view. We are all part of a single system that is connected to each other. Imagine droplets of water in the ocean. Each drop contains part of the ocean and its own whole. So people too now, we are all part of one big ocean. The responsibility of each of us now lies in what we carry within ourselves as part of the whole. What feelings overwhelm us? All this creates a common emotional background. Through emotions we can give a lot to the world. Considering the situation from the state of a victim, a person who did not want to, but was suddenly forced to go through all this, to experience it, it will become even harder for you emotionally, and you will begin to transmit and attract exactly the same messages to yourself , moods, people. As a result, loss of strength, fear, immobilization. It is important to look with different eyes at the situation that causes you rejection. Peace and tranquility to you and your families. Now the whole world is showing its true face.