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The first need for a dad appears already in the first year of life, when an emotional attachment is formed, when the child learns to respond to contact. Of course, these abilities are formed in contact with the mother, but the father is the closest person after the mother from the baby’s circle of affections and his presence here is very important. By the age of 2.5 years, the child begins to separate “mine” from “not mine” and becomes familiar with the rules and boundaries. And this is where the role of dad is very important, this is where psychological separation from mom starts. Dad shows the child that there is another very significant attachment figure in his life, who is not at all like mom and is generally separate from her. From 2 to 4 years of age, a child’s structure of will, a system of values ​​and beliefs is formed, and an understanding of choice and its consequences is developed. The role of the father is increasing. He becomes the child’s guide to the outside world. Helps maintain the exploratory interest of the outside world; it is the father who allows the child to try this world, recognize it and himself in it. From 3 to 6 years old is the most difficult period for a mother. Because it is at this age that the mother fades into the background for the child. The father introduces the child to society, shows its laws and norms of behavior. Dad becomes a role model for a boy (and for a girl too). This is why it is important for dads to monitor their behavior and attitude towards their loved ones. Don't think that your child doesn't understand anything. He records everything, and will play it back as an adult, in his family. From 5 to 9 years old, a child’s structure of opinions is formed. And the father here acts as a significant person with knowledge, skills and experience. The child watches very carefully how parents resolve their conflicts, how they deal with their different opinions. He begins to understand that people are different and they also have different opinions. And here the child either, thanks to the parents’ ability to correctly resolve conflicts and express different opinions, will form a holistic picture of the world, or the internal conflict between “mother’s” and “father’s” ways of life and views on the world will grow. From 7 to 12 years old, the father’s support and his reaction to his son’s successes and failures becomes important to the child. This will shape your attitude towards success and failure. The father here greatly influences the child’s self-esteem. And it is from this age and throughout life that the father becomes a priority figure compared to the mother..