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I have long wanted to write about this term, which denotes not only the behavior of a woman, but, say, a general type, the main feature of which is a person’s tendency to catastrophize, with an emphasis on tragedy and drama. One of the main features of such people is the constant attraction of attention, playing the “Role of the Victim”, and they do this very subtly and gracefully, through blaming others and shifting responsibility with proof of injustice in their address. Some call them whiners, others hysterical, but in any case, their actions cause severe fatigue in those around them. In ordinary life, “Queens” tend to make a huge number of demands from their loved ones regarding how to treat them, communicate, understand, support, etc. Among them frequent attitudes “I am the most unfortunate”, “I am alone against the whole world”, “I have been betrayed, no one understands or will help” and so on. At some point, they find themselves trapped between, on the one hand, with its hysteria, toxicity and whining, and on the other hand, a natural attempt by loved ones to protect themselves from this and avoid it. Which is also perceived by the Queen as an attempt to devalue her by those around her who do not want to understand her universal suffering. And the people around her, in fact, people are simply trying to escape or get away from her toxicity. The unique feature of the “Drama Queen” is that she is out of everything can cause an epic tragedy. Close ones, relatives or husband, are constantly instilled with a feeling of guilt, which is associated with the fact that they cannot understand her mysterious and subtle nature and thereby doom and are to blame for her torment. They don’t want to feel sorry for her and sympathize as they should. Even, for example, a banal question “How are you doing?”, can sometimes end up in a many-hour story and in-depth analysis, with a list of her failures and problems that have haunted her throughout her life. To show that there is no way out of this for her. And all the attempts of those around her to help her turn into a psychological manipulative game, similar to the one described by E. Berne “Yes, But...”. It’s as if she is trying to drag everyone into her suffering, with the goal of showing one thing: that no one can help her. The “Drama Queen” has her own struggle, it is very important for her that those around her constantly agree with her opinions and arguments. They not only must understand, but and accept her picture of the world. God forbid, someone allows themselves to doubt and underestimate some of its manifestations; they will immediately be punished with a feeling of guilt and many hours of analysis and debriefing. But women with a similar type adore it when people agree with them and sit they nod, listen, listen attentively and sympathize. But if someone points out to them that they are wrong, especially those close to them, they immediately begin to attack, saying “It’s your fault,” “You made me feel bad,” “You’re not like that.” , you have a problem”, “You misunderstood, sympathized, agreed, did”.....1) My “Course of overcoming depression, anxiety and neurosis”. https://youtu.be/nShHAGTjIno 2) Book “Self-Help” for neurosis - 15 techniques for fear and anxiety. Full-time cognitive behavioral group in St. Petersburg. https://www.b17.ru/trainings/kognitivno-povedencheskaya_gruppa_/ Psychologist Anton Vyukov, 2023. Copying is possible only with the author indicated and a link to this site.