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Have you ever asked yourself this question? If not, I suggest you do it right now. How can you answer such a question for yourself? For example, like this: - Should I ask about this? Decisions have one owner - the one who makes them. If I make a decision myself, it is my decision, my independent choice. If someone dictates their decisions to me, then I have no choice. How could it be otherwise? We reason like this until life shows us the other side of our independence. How “necessary decisions” arise. Alexander Ivanovich, head of the plant’s technical bureau, entered the director’s reception room at the end of the working day. The bureau chief considered the issue that he wanted to discuss with the director to be too important for him to resolve in a hurry. The technical bureau under the leadership of Alexander Ivanovich developed an event for implementation at the plant, and the head of the bureau wanted to obtain the approval of the director before going through the necessary approvals with the heads of departments and technical services of the plant. He knew that the director had a busy day today and was waiting for a free “window” so that he could discuss his issue calmly and without haste. In addition, Alexander Ivanovich knew that if the boss was not in a good mood, it was difficult to expect a positive decision from him. Therefore, he tried to probe the ground in advance. Svetochka, the director’s secretary, advised Alexander Ivanovich to come at the end of the day, when it would be calmer. - Well, how's the boss? - Alexander Ivanovich turned to Svetochka, entering the reception room. There were 20 minutes left until the end of the working day. In response, Svetochka wrinkled her face and shook her head. - You can go right now if you want. And then another comrade comes, he also made an appointment for today. And the director won’t receive anyone else today. Alexander Ivanovich thought for a second: “So, the boss is not in a good mood.” This is bad. If you immediately refuse support, it will be more difficult to convince you later. And approvals may take a long time. A lot of time will be lost. “There is no need to take risks,” Alexander Ivanovich decided, “we must act for sure in this matter.” It's better to choose another day to talk. If you rush now, you will lose a lot of time later... And the head of the bureau left the reception room. This is what Alexander Ivanovich did - prudently, balancedly, rationally. The situation prompted the right decision, and Alexander Ivanovich made his choice. He showed independence in his decision. That’s what he thought himself. But Alexander Ivanovich was wrong. In reality, he was not as independent in his decision as he thought. The situation that “suggested the right solution” did not arise on its own. The “clue” had specific authors. The comrade, who took advantage of the director’s free “window” instead of Alexander Ivanovich, also tried to get into the office today before the end of the day. Alexander Ivanovich was an annoying nuisance for him. Eliminating this obstacle was not difficult. An assertive visitor always has a convincing argument for the secretary. Svetochka understood Alexander Ivanovich’s fears, and it was not difficult for her to play along with these fears. There was no need to even say anything. Her face eloquently said: “The boss is so wound up that it’s better not to meddle with him now.” Of course, you do as you wish, but I wouldn’t recommend it... And Alexander Ivanovich understood everything correctly. As it seemed to him. I didn’t bother to approach the director with my very important matter. And he came the next day. And, to my chagrin, I learned that the director had gone on a long business trip and would be absent for three weeks. In this situation, Alexander Ivanovich is confident that the decision to postpone the visit to the director was made by himself. After all, he acted at his own discretion. And he was free in his choice. Is it so? No not like this. In fact, Alexander Ivanovich only fulfilled what was decided for him. He wanted to get an appointment with the director, but even more he did not want to have his case rejected. To make a decision, you need to make a preference. In this situation, Svetochka made preference for Alexander Ivanovich - by.