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I was 16 years old - at that time I was in the 10th grade, my hair was dyed black, I actively played in a band and enjoyed my relationship with girl. I am attaching a photo :) But my joy did not last very long, as often happens in adolescence, and the relationship began to deteriorate. The number of quarrels and misunderstandings kept increasing, and we eventually broke up. And here’s a strange connection - as the relationship deteriorated, I observed a strange and rather intimate symptom in myself - it was painful for me to urinate, that is, to go to the toilet. It was a shock for me! The pain was very burning, cutting – it was brutal. Google and Yandex almost definitely showed me all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, urethritis and other terrible infections. Well, that's it, we've arrived... I didn't hide my symptoms from my parents - I told everything as it was, made an appointment with a venereologist, passed all the necessary tests and anxiously awaited the results of the examination. And here another shock awaited me! All tests are clean! Not only was no terrible infection detected, but all lymphocytes and other important indicators were completely normal. I was prescribed some kind of drug that, in theory, could help me with my unclear problem. As a decent patient, I took it as much as I needed, but nothing changed. Then I started visiting other clinics and undergoing repeated examinations. And either they didn’t reveal anything, or they found minor deviations and tried to correct them. For example, in one of the clinics they found a slightly increased salt level in the tests. Through certain medications, the salt level was adjusted to normal, but nothing changed - the pain still burned me every time I needed to go to the toilet. Free institutions, paid clinics, ultrasounds, tests, courses of treatment - this all happened in a circle, from which seemed to never come out at all. And the pain was daily and at the same time did not intensify, but did not weaken either. This vicious circle was interrupted by one urologist, to whom I am very grateful. This was already 2 years later, I was 18 years old at that time. He told me: “You know, we can certainly do another examination for you, but I’m sure that we won’t find anything there. It happens that due to worries and stress, certain symptoms appear in the body. I recommend that you contact a neuropsychiatrist.” PSYCHONEUROLOGIST - this is the word that was encrypted by a psychiatrist. I understood everything, but it didn’t scare me - I made an appointment. The psychiatrist saw me and literally after 15 minutes of our conversation said: “It’s not your body that hurts, it’s your soul that hurts. Your pain is psychosomatic in nature. A course of antidepressants and psychotherapy will help you.” And he diagnosed me, I don’t remember verbatim, but it sounds something like this: “Recurrent subdepression with a pronounced psychosomatic component.” Eureka! As soon as I started taking antidepressants, the pain eased significantly! I exhaled directly and felt relief. But in my case, antidepressants gave only a temporary effect - they weakened the symptoms. The pain, although not as severe as at first, still made itself felt. And, by the way, if the level of stress or anxiety increased, then the pain intensified. Six months later, I completed a course of antidepressants and decided that it was time for personal therapy. I signed up for psychotherapy at a private clinic. We worked using cognitive behavioral therapy and symboldrama methods. In this therapy, I became more aware, was able to find and build relationships, and revised some life guidelines. But the pain still remained, although I began to relate to it more simply. And now I was already 19 years old. I continued to search for ways to heal. Taking a short break from previous sessions, I signed up for personal therapy with an excellent specialist working in Jungian analysis. We worked for about six months and it was in this alliance with the psychologist that my pain completely subsided. I was finally able to break out of this cycle and breathed a sigh of relief. Hurray! And the reasons for my pain,.