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How psychotherapy works and about full enlightenment. From time immemorial, people have been looking for a magic pill to quench their pain, find answers to the questions that torment them and achieve enlightenment. our age of full enlightenment is no exception: nails, ayahuasca, meditation, psychotropic substances, fortune telling, shamans, marathons, uterine breathing and all kinds of full practices - people seek themselves in any constructive and non-constructive ways. My fundamental value as a person and as a specialist is care and professional competence. in the story of nailing, all kinds of bodily practices, holotropic breathing and all this - there is a big risk of shaking the psyche, literally opening and bombing mental defenses (and this, in fact, is the best thing that our chattering psyche has come up with) Why is this dangerous? for certain character structures, such practices are fraught with serious consequences: in inept hands and in the swing of things (unprofessionalism + carelessness), you can fly out of the state of norm or accentuation into the zone of average psychiatry - this, of course, is not a hospital yet, but you can already prescribe pills. In psychotherapy, an expansion of consciousness occurs slowly and gradually, according to the principle of congruence: they accumulated a resource - the psyche released it into a deeper layer. and yes, this is a long process, but the result of such work can be appropriated, contained and made part of oneself. The figure shows a diagram of the structure of the psyche: Below - the lower unconscious - traumatic containers where personal, family and ancestral stories of suffering are stored: resentment, pain, loneliness, guilt , shame and other delights On top of these containers are the lids of psychic protections, the best that the psyche has come up with for us. they allow you to hold the contents of the containers so that they do not constantly leak in real life, and we can live our lives in peace. When the tension in the container becomes high, it begins to boil - the lid breaks off, an “explosion” occurs in life - quarrels, divorces, outbursts of rage, uncontrollable overwhelming states, depression - to prevent this from happening, the tension must be slowly released, in a thin trickle - which is what we do in therapy. When the contents of the container become too much, the psyche spends a colossal amount of resource on holding the lids - there is no strength to move, there is no mood , energy is at zero. here again, welcome to therapy. The line in the middle, like the equator, is what we can be aware of about ourselves in principle, and the dot I is what we are aware of: look how little space it takes up in the picture, but our state and behavior are influenced by the entire iceberg, and not just its top. The point at the top is the higher self, that same enlightenment, superconsciousness that a person so strives to achieve. In psychotherapy, development occurs in a spiral, the “equator” of the awareness zone gradually expands. the more resources we have, the deeper the psyche allows us into traumatic containers: having processed this, we release the energy that is encapsulated there and use it in life - for movement, activity, communication, good mood and well-being Enlightened practices and substances (Fig. 2) for a short time they throw it upward, to the superconscious, but when it is released, the pendulum inevitably rolls back the same distance down into the traumatic container. it’s just that a person doesn’t have enough resources to clear it up, as well as to appropriate for himself the material that has been revealed above. It is possible to stay and live at a high level of development of consciousness only after going all the way, having first cleared your Augean stables