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Guilt occurs when a person begins to believe that he is the cause of an event that is perceived as wrong, mistaken or unsuccessful. Moreover, such an assessment is given not so much by other people as by oneself. At the same time, a person often does not see the whole picture and all the cause-and-effect relationships of the event as a whole. This feeling of guilt loops and scrolls through the head day after day, giving a person unpleasant emotions that undermine self-esteem and confidence in one’s current and planned actions. At the same time, it is common for a person to overestimate the significance and tragedy of unfortunate events, even in cases where the affected parties convince him otherwise. Guilt is most quickly formed with the help of people who create basic trust in the world ( parents or significant adults). Remember all these imposed behavior scenarios? “You should”, “that’s right”, “you must”, “that’s not what good children do”, “you will be bad if you do something differently from what I say”, “this it’s all your fault”, “it’s because of you that this happened”... Should a wife cook every day and serve food to her husband and children? Should a husband earn more than his wife? Should children always do well in school and behave exemplary? In reality, it turns out that no one owes anyone anything (there is always a personal choice to do it or not), which is not always correct, as elders say, that the real reasons for the problem are not in you, etc. Guilt is an excellent tool for manipulation other people. And our parents are the first to use such manipulations on us. And children quickly get used to feeling guilty for every mistake they make. And at the same time, they are often not to blame for anything.❓ How to cope with feelings of guilt? 7 steps1. Look at the situation from the outside or through the eyes of other people; the cause of the event may not be in you.2. Answer, who is comfortable for you to experience this feeling of guilt for a long time?3. Understand what is the benefit for you from the event that happened.4. Remember who taught you to feel guilty for similar situations in life?5. Transform the guilt into emotions and let them go.6. Scan your body and see how and where your guilt unpleasantly “lives” in your body.7. Use your unconscious to stop obsessive self-blame and self-flagellation (for example, through meditation, hypnotherapy or EMDR techniques). Do you want to quickly cope with the annoying feeling of guilt for some event in your life? Go for a consultation with your psychologist or try work with a new one. What else can help cope with feelings of guilt? Write in the comments!