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If correctional and educational measures are not taken in preschool age to overcome behavioral deficiencies, then such children, as a rule, turn out to be unprepared for school education. They do not know how to obey school requirements, do not complete school assignments, enter into conflicts with friends and teachers, violate discipline, and sometimes run away from school and home. Under unfavorable conditions, they may become influenced by delinquents. Despite the fact that the intelligence of children with organic psychopathy is not impaired, their productivity in learning is often not high enough, since they begin to complete a task without preliminary thinking, are not focused on it, do not retain individual elements of the task in memory, and do not know how to overcome obstacles. All these components, i.e., the preservation of intelligence in the event of a violation of intellectual activity; the preservation of elementary emotional formations with underdevelopment of more complex forms of the emotional-volitional sphere and determine the originality of the structure of the defect in the development of a child with organic psychopathy, where all the features of his behavior stem from a violation of the core of his personality. The severity of the defect varies, but its structure always remains the same. In correctional pedagogical work with such children, it is necessary to pay special attention to the correct organization of the initial learning process. These children do not have difficulty mastering reading, writing and counting, but they are poorly involved in activities, do not complete the work they start, and do it carelessly and sloppily. Therefore, the most important thing when teaching children with organic psychopathy is to persistently teach them to carefully complete tasks. At first, you can give children easier tasks, and then the tasks need to be gradually made more difficult. During correctional pedagogical work, it is very important to prevent the possibility of gaps in knowledge, since pedagogical neglect will significantly complicate further work with such children. Correctional and educational activities with children of this group should include types of work that would be aimed at developing the ability to analyze and correctly evaluate their actions. Considering that these children do not have enough control over their behavior, show instability, are suggestible and easily fall under negative influence, the teacher must constantly place them in a strictly organized regime and not let them out of sight. When working with such children, it is very important to maintain a calm, even tone, since they are easily excitable, often get irritated and reach an emotional outburst over the most insignificant reason. At the same time, the teacher must remember that during the period of passion it is better to switch the child to some other activity than to persuade, and even more so to punish him, since punishment can only increase excitement. In the course of correctional pedagogical work with psychopathic children, it is very important for the teacher to maintain close contact with the parents of schoolchildren in order to ensure a unified approach to their education and upbringing. In addition, parents can provide significant assistance to the teacher in his work. Contact with a psychoneurologist is also important for use if therapeutic measures are necessary. There is also a group of children with so-called constitutional psychopathy. The etiological factor of this psychopathy is pathological heredity. Thus, in families where there are cases of epilepsy, there are psychopathic individuals with epileptoid character traits. The main features of this group are the viscosity and rigidity of emotional manifestations. Epileptoids are characterized by being stuck on emotions, gloominess, suspicion, dissatisfaction, a tendency to sharp affective outbursts, vindictiveness, malice, stinginess and greed. Of course, these symptoms do not always occur immediately in one person, and the severity of thesemanifestations may be different. People with epileptoid psychopathy have many positive traits: good performance, thoroughness in completing tasks, focus, the ability to concentrate on work and overcome difficulties. The development of children with epileptoid psychopathy has its own patterns. Already in early childhood, they develop increased irritability, and it can be long-lasting and difficult to switch over. In preschool age, such children experience increasing affective tension, which is expressed in “getting stuck” on their experiences and actions. At school age, from the combination of these features, a number of secondary characterological traits, both positive and negative, are formed. On the one hand, these children are purposeful in their activities, careful and pedantic when completing tasks, productive in their work, and active. On the other hand, they are vindictive, vengeful, stingy, and prone to affective outbursts. In adolescence, this is compounded by unstable mood, isolation, suspicion, and distrust of others. Pathological character traits in these children develop gradually and arise only at certain stages of development. Timely correctional and pedagogical influence can significantly soften the character traits of children with epileptoid psychopathy. And the sooner correctional and educational work begins, the greater the effect can be achieved. The main thing in this correctional and educational work should be the desire to overcome the tendency that these children have to “get stuck” on their experiences. To do this, you need to include them in various types of activities and provide the necessary assistance in the process of its implementation. If stubbornness, negativism, or anger are demonstrated, the teacher should not influence the child in an authoritarian manner. It is best to switch him to some activity that he is good at. Since such children have some slowness of thinking, it is advisable to first go through educational material with the child during additional classes. They should be involved in socially useful circle work. Labor has a particularly beneficial effect on the upbringing of these children, so it is very important to include them in various types of work activities. In case of affective agitation, which can manifest itself in unfavorable conditions, it is best to isolate the child, that is, place him in a calm environment, and give the necessary medications as prescribed by the doctor. means that reduce arousal. Distrust and irritability, increased sensitivity of these children often lead to the appearance of a hostile attitude not only towards their comrades, but also towards the teacher. Therefore, it is very important to establish good contact with the child and convince him that the teacher is trying to help him. An individual approach to these children, taking into account the characteristics of their character, usually gives positive results. Egocentrism is most characteristic of children with hysterical psychopathy. They are prone to boasting and embellishment of their qualities, and strive to put their personality to the fore. These qualities are usually combined with increased suggestibility, instability of emotional manifestations, and mood instability. Already at preschool age, children with hysterical traits conflict with peers, are capricious, they are irritable, not always obedient, prone to hysterical reactions - they throw themselves on the floor, cry, knock their feet, trying in every possible way to insist on their own. At school age, the manifestations of egocentrism in these children are accompanied by restlessness at work and the inability to complete the work started. Correctional and educational work with children who have hysterical character traits must begin from the moment these traits are noticed. Often, hysterical character traits in a child are formed in a family where parents often not only do not counteract the manifestations of egocentrism in the child, but, on the contrary, yield to him in everything, indulge his whims. This approach is very harmful for these children. For