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And then the revolution happened. Slowly, little by little, the scales of life and lifelessness began to tip towards the former. People closer to this side began to move, and more and more followed them. Some go somewhere out of habit, some out of an awakened deep desire to live and search. And so the proportion of Life became impressive. The 22nd year came and everyone was asked the question “Who are you?” What kind of person are you, what do you like, who do you dislike? What do you want, who are you really? Will you finally live, search, love? Everyone has faced this. Slightly or impressively, painfully or pleasantly, hard or easy, whether they understood it or not - it doesn’t matter. It was all about you, it was all about the truth about your and our lives. Whether we like it or not. Before Life, before Heaven, the Universe, God - we are all equal. It is in front of each other that we may not want to admit something or recognize something that does not exist. You can lie to yourself. It is impossible to lie to Life. That year we had no choice! Therefore, I declare the outgoing year (some sensations have not yet died away, the process is still ongoing, the year has not yet fully passed) to be simply wonderful! It can be seen, it can be felt that everyone still wants to live! They want to develop, they want to awaken their true nature, their true health, their uniqueness and omnipotence from the word create and develop, and not from the word suppress and destroy. For plastic, empty, killing purposes. They want to love, they want to be themselves, they want to build sincere, pure, real relationships with each other. But that’s not all. You need to be prepared for a lot. Because what has moved in the past will continue to move. Superimpose the destruction of old systems, bloodshed, agony of the past world and worldviews, theories and behavior. Great eventfulness, great energy flow, widespread manifestation of truth and the true state of affairs. The turning of the world towards purification and other rules of functioning is imposed on human misunderstanding, on the lack of sensitivity towards oneself. To the enormous resistance to what is happening, the reluctance of a gigantic part of the Earth's population to understand and realize it. And we will get chaos, we will get human inadequacy and a lot of destruction. Even at the beginning of this year this is already visible. There is often a feeling that there are more people who are inadequate, and even those who seemed fine before somehow become a little uneasy. Transitioning to a healthy life is labor-intensive. This can be very unpredictable. Well, what did we want, living in the ass for a huge number of years and ruining our lives? But with conscious loyalty to our choice, the relief from finding life awaits us. Various. Complex. Simple. And definitely real!! Which excites, permeates, charges and moves. Which lights up the eyes and kindles the hearts. TO BE CONTINUED.