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From the author: Article for married girls with licenses)) - He constantly criticizes me when I'm driving! This is so offensive! After all, I’ve been driving for as many years as he has, but I always do everything wrong, in his opinion! How tired I am of this! Is this a familiar situation, girls? What to do? After all, it’s really very annoying when any joint trip ends in mutual grievances. What way out can be found so that the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe? There are not many options, or rather, only two. The first is the most common: fight with your husband, proving that he is wrong. Explain to him all his misconceptions. Dispute his accusations. Show your righteous anger and dissatisfaction. Accuse him of male chauvinism, sexism and patriarchy. We often talk about where the struggle with my husband leads. In any case, be prepared for the fact that the longer the struggle, the harsher the measures. Therefore, when setting out on this path, you should not count on care and tenderness on his part. The second option requires awareness and understanding of what is happening. Therefore, it is less common and less common in our girlish behavior - after all, we are always flying, in a hurry, on time... Well, we have no time to stop and think that perhaps my husband swears when I am driving, not because I drive the car poorly , but because, bearing responsibility for me, he feels discomfort in any situation where nothing depends on him. So his tension spills out into criticism and grumbling. If so, how can this problem be solved? No way! If he loves and cares about me, he will worry. And this is good! But you don’t have to create such situations, at least in the car. Let him rule! Always when we travel together. Even if it's on my car. And he is calmer, and I can once again enjoy the music, the surrounding views, thoughts about life and the fact that there is a reliable man nearby who solves my problems. Even if now this problem is just getting to the nearest store. And I’ll probably surrender to speed and feel strong and decisive when I go somewhere alone. Girls, share what you do in such cases.? )