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"I like to wait here, in the outback! People are simpler, more natural, and live a real life, without falsehood..." - the words of my fellow traveler, whose name I and before I even had time to ask, they hit the nail on the head. I was just thinking about how our body tells us “Thank you” or signals a violation of the internal balance and accumulated unexpressed emotions through body ailments. Surely everyone is familiar with the picture when a child (no matter a boy or a girl), trying to calm them down, is shamed almost publicly: “Don’t whine, you’re a boy!” or “Behave like a big girl!”, that is, translating this into children’s language. the parental attitude will be subconsciously remembered as don’t shame me, I’m ashamed that you show emotions, don’t feel! And any compilation of this, for example: feeling ashamed, and showing emotions is unacceptable and humiliating! That is, being natural, showing his emotions, the child remembers that parents or educators - significant adults - did not like it, therefore such behavior is condemned, and that something is wrong with him (her). To be accepted (accepted), loved, you must be able to hide your emotions and feelings. And growing up, the previously learned reaction is reinforced. In fact, a little man has to give up part of his Self in order to achieve imaginary well-being in the world around him. And now in front of me is a woman who, with difficulty, is still trying to hold back her tears, because crying or expressing her emotions and feelings was forbidden in childhood. As well as the manifestation of intense joy from their school successes or the slightest dissatisfaction, they were strictly suppressed by their parents. And only in the summer at her grandmother’s could she take off this armor and feel like a living, happy girl! Only in the summer she could be both a tomboy and a flirt, she could be different, she could be anyone! Anyone loved her just for her very existence! When working with clients, I often return them to those situations of childhood, to those circumstances when they remember themselves the happiest and most open to the world. Here is one version of this exercise for those who want to do it themselves. Think about three times or times in your life when you were honest with others or genuinely happy about something or felt a sense of deep emotional closeness with an adult/significant figure from your childhood. Remember when you accepted yourself and the world as it is, without naive expectations, but with a wealth of opportunities. Remember when you could say what you think and feel to people as they are. Relive this amazing feeling of fearlessness without any feelings of guilt, embarrassment, shame. What would it be like if you could live in such a feeling? For better or worse, childhood is over. Now you and only you are the author of your life! You can give yourself permission to cry if you feel tears coming. You can laugh while watching a comedy or a comedian's performance. You can openly express your dissatisfaction where your boundaries have been severely violated and your patience has run out! Now you can allow yourself to be Anyone! If you feel like you're still living your life depending on what your parents say, now you can learn to set your own course! And it doesn’t matter whether you live in the outback or a large metropolis, your body will tell you “Thank you” for your naturalness and openness, for the fact that unlived emotions do not get stuck in clamps and spasms in the body. If you feel that you have emotions and feelings that you do not know how to express, if you want to stop feeling awkward, if you want to improve your personal life, then the main thing is to start moving in this direction. If you want to improve the quality of your life, you can sign up for a consultation with me here on the website or in any of the messengers. +7 (926) 981 16 55 Your Svetlana Zavyalova