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From the author: You can learn about how to prepare yourself for a competition and how to resolve the most typical psychological problems for athletes in a consultation or read on my website Most often, athletes come to me are asking how to quickly regain confidence before a competition... Who among the athletes does not know that performance results at important competitions are often lower than expected precisely because of excessive anxiety. Let's figure out what anxiety is and how it can be quickly overcome? So, Let's start with the fact that all our states are directly related to our thoughts, or rather to the fact that we are USED to think about this or that phenomenon. Well, for example, when we see ice cream, we EXPECT to feel a very specific taste in our mouth. How do we know the taste of ice cream if we have never taken a single bite? We are USED to the fact that ice cream ALWAYS gives us just such sensations. We perceive everything around us in the same way. In psychology there is, of course, a more accurate and detailed explanation of HOW this happens, but this is enough for us to solve our problem. The brain doesn’t care whether we see something with our own eyes or just imagine it and see the picture as if on the inside screen. The result will be the same. And excitement is also a certain image and a certain habit. How to cope with it? To do this, imagine your excitement in the form of some kind of internal visual image. It could be some kind of animal, object, or just a spot of color. Pay attention to WHERE - in what place in space this image is located and how close it is to you. Now squeeze it and move it as far away from you as possible... So? How do you feel? It is only at first that this task seems to require a significant amount of time. Bring the skill to automatism and you will cope with your anxiety simply “automatically.” Add the following exercise to this procedure: Place your feet shoulder-width apart, evenly distributing the weight Breathe with your stomach: all attention to the solar plexus area At the beginning of the exercise, fold your hands with the backs of your hands, lower them in front yourself; slowly lift them up - to your chest, to your face, above your head. Look at your hands as you take a deep breath. When your hands reach their maximum height, allow them to move as far as they want. This gesture is called the FUNNEL - you open up to everything above your head. tell yourself: “I am more than THIS!”, meaning your fear, anxiety, uncertainty. And at the same time, quickly remove and mentally compress the image of your fear, as described above. When your hands are at shoulder level, turn them palms up in a gesture of complete openness. Breathe in. Imagine that along with the air you are inhaling your victory, confidence, luck. Continue to slowly move your arms, spreading them to the sides, exhaling and lower your arms. At the bottom, bring your palms together again and repeat the exercise several times. This procedure will help you get rid of excess anxiety, and understanding HOW you create a state of excitement in yourself will allow you to begin to manage your states. Good luck and successful performances! http://marinakitaeva. ru/