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The causes of most neurotic disorders, as we know, lie in childhood. Unfortunately, it is parents and loved ones who often become for the child the reference group that creates stressful conditions for his unfavorable emotional development. The child’s psyche is particularly neuroplastic and unstable to environmental factors, so it is easy to traumatize. I will list several important criteria in my opinion unproductive parenting strategies:• Criticism. The child wants to be praised and rejoiced at his achievements. If his parents criticize everything he does over and over again, he loses self-confidence and begins to consider himself worthless and useless.• Conditional love. A child needs unconditional love. If his parents show him that they love him only when he meets their expectations (studies well, wins prizes in competitions, fulfills their requirements), then he begins to think that only his achievements are important to them, and not himself.• Humiliation . Insults, humiliations, and ridicule traumatize the child’s psyche. The child grows up either embittered at the whole world, or insecure, unable to stand up for himself. • Devaluation and Dissatisfaction. Some parents manage to find a reason for dissatisfaction in everything. They don’t like the way the child sits, holds a spoon, plays, cleans the room, etc. They constantly reprimand him: “Don’t run,” “Don’t make noise,” “Don’t be stupid,” showing that they are dissatisfied with everything he does. . The child begins to think that he really is clumsy, inept, stupid and incapable of anything.• Excessive control. Some parents control their child in literally everything. They decide what to wear, where to study, who to be friends with, what to do. Parents do not leave their son or daughter free space to choose. As a result, the child grows up to be dependent and cannot take a step without outside control and instructions.• Excessive guardianship. There are parents who care so much about their child that they solve all his problems for him. They don't want him to face difficulties, so they rush to help in any situation. At first glance, such care seems like something good. However, excessive care brings the same harm as excessive control. A person grows up to be dependent, infantile, and unadapted to life. Of course, most parents do not make these mistakes intentionally, believing that such upbringing will benefit their children. In their desire to make their children better, they copy the neurotic model of behavior of their own parents, and their parents copied these models among our own and thus a “Generation Scenario” is formed, from which everyone suffers. If you encounter this problem, do not delay, but sign up for a consultation, since your health and quality of life are the most important thing.1) A course in overcoming depression, anxiety and neurosis. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/zeOIKp7OgGaX5g 2) Self-help for neurosis - 15 techniques for fear of anxiety. https://ridero.ru/books/widget/samopomosh_pri_nevroze/ 3) My courses for psychologists https://www.b17.ru/a_vyukov/#training2