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I think there is no person in the world who has not communicated with children at least once in his life. And moms and dads generally communicate with them every day. Today's world is very cruel to children. And if there is no mutual understanding in the family, then the child seeks this same understanding outside the walls of the house. This is how children's destinies are ruined. A child who does not find support at home can end up in a very bad story. Drugs, alcohol, banditry, prostitution... These words that frighten a normal person should make us, adults, think about how not to alienate a child? How can we make sure that children trust us and do not look for outside support? To ensure that children move away from us, we take purposeful, confident steps. Do you know when we take the first step? When we brush off a child’s request to play with him or help him with something, making excuses for how busy we are. No matter how busy we are, we must respond to the request. In any case, the child must be listened to. Otherwise, the child will not come to you later. He will understand that he is an “extra link” and will look for advice and help in other places. It’s good if he meets a decent adviser along the way, but what if not? Do you want this? If not, pay attention to your child when he asks, do not discourage him from turning to you in difficult times! You can argue, what a difficult moment this is, to play or tie his shoelaces? But for very young children this is a very important point. They need your help, which means it is difficult for them to get along without you. Children sense falsehood very well. If you are trying to tell your child about the dangers of smoking, but you yourself keep the cigarette out of your mouth, do you really think that he will believe you? With this very conversation you can achieve only one thing - push the child away from you. He won't believe your words. Moreover, he will want to “annoy” you for deceiving him. And if you yourself are not sinless, then it’s better not to start moralizing on this topic. And best of all, honestly admit your weakness, tell us that you foolishly started smoking, wanting to look more mature. But now we would be glad to get rid of this bad habit, and we feel bad from smoking, but it doesn’t work, we don’t have enough willpower. Admit your weakness, and the child will understand it. The child believes in sincerity, and it is sincerity that will not allow the child to be pushed away. He will trust you because you are telling the truth. How to behave so as not to alienate your child when he starts asking a lot of questions? It is clear that no one person can know everything. Again, don’t fuss and invent all sorts of tall tales. If you are not competent in some matter, do not push your child away with the simplest answer: “I don’t know.” You can say the same words, but in a slightly different way: “I haven’t encountered this, but let’s go together and find the answer on the Internet. This is very interesting to me too.” The child will understand that his interests coincide with yours. And the next time he will share with you something very important to him. Don’t just listen to the child, but also try to hear him. As your child gets older, he or she may no longer ask any questions directly. But from his stories, if you listen to them, you can draw certain conclusions and, if something happens, direct him in a different direction. Very often, at the initial stage, you can protect the child from communicating with bad company. But if you don't take an interest in your child's life, you're unlikely to learn anything until something bad happens. Asking a cliché “how are you?” and by being satisfied with the answer “fine,” you are making a serious mistake. Ask what the child did during the day? How is his best friend doing? What new outfit did Marya Ivanovna wear today? Word by word, you can learn a lot of interesting things. If you find out that a child is friends with, in your opinion, the wrong person, do not tell him directly about it. If you start reproaching your child for being illegible and insulting his friends (let it be true), then you can alienate the child from you. Little of,.