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Chapter 3. From birth to one year. You were born into the world, and it’s no coincidence, You will accomplish a lot in this world. Well, now I’ll rock you to sleep, And gently hug you while you sleep. A newborn child is like a blank slate without a single blots! What does he know when he is born? Nothing. What does he understand? Nothing. From the first day of his birth, he is only able to feel, see and hear! Feel the warmth of his mother’s body, hear her familiar voice, which he heard so often while still inside her, see different objects in a limited field of vision. In the first year of life, the baby especially needs to feel care, care and protection. The birth of a child is a test, both for his parents and for himself. What a baby will become in twenty, thirty or forty years depends largely on his first and main meeting with his mother. Will she be able to give her warmth so that he understands that the world has accepted him, will she be able to be caring so that he becomes strong, will she protect so that he becomes confident and free. A new and unfamiliar path begins for mother and child, which is especially difficult to follow during the first year of a child’s life. For a mother, this period can be called, guess what I want and what is happening to me. During this period of life, the mother learns to understand the baby by observing his behavior, where he looks, what he is trying to reach. And the baby learns to control his mother, using the methods available to him, crying, looking at objects, smiling. These are still the most accessible ways for him to interact with his mother and attract attention to himself. In the period up to one year, it is important that new people appear in the child’s life as carefully as possible. Because only his mother has his complete trust. If a new person appears in the room, the child will become wary and very frightened, especially when he is picked up. The baby first needs to hear the voice of a stranger, understand his goodwill, and only then make direct contact. A child needs emotional interaction between parents with him and with each other, and in no case should it have a negative connotation. The baby should hear only calm speech and see the smiles of the parents; any scandals in the presence of the child should be excluded. At this age, the mother will often be alarmed by the child’s crying, since there can be many reasons for its appearance, it is not always easy to identify the problem. But observation and experience gained over time will always come to the rescue. For example, the baby ate, after half an hour he relieved himself, they washed him, changed his clothes, and he began to cry, the question is, what could it be? Do you want to eat again, do you have a stomach ache, do you want to sleep? More likely, it is simply uncomfortable to put on a new diaper after changing clothes. Or, the baby cries, refuses to eat, the body temperature rises, what happens now? Has a cold, or, most likely, is teething. From birth to one year, the baby learns to master his body. Initially, his movements with his arms and legs are chaotic, then they become more directed, he can already reach for objects, turn his head and look in the direction from which he hears sounds. During this period, the baby's skin is very sensitive and needs frequent tactile contact. This contact can be provided by a light massage of the arms and legs, and the presence of a variety of toys and rattles above the crib is also required. The child will be able to reach them and develop fine motor skills, which in turn promotes mental development. A little later, he begins to roll over and hold his head upright. At six months, the baby is able to sit up in a crib, by one year he stands on his feet and learns to walk. Since speech is the highest mental function, it begins its development and goes through four stages: screaming (refers to reflex sounds), the stage of humming (manifested sounds aha, agu, ege), the stage of babbling (the syllables la-la-la, ba-ba-ba appear), the stage of the first word, marks the end of the first year of life. The words are quite simple and usually consist of two identical syllables.