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From the author: An article about the selfless path in search of oneself that every person chooses in life. Heroes are not born, heroes are made. This is the story of the paths I have described, which begin with the “path of the fool” and have a certain extent throughout life in search of oneself. Be simple-minded as a dove and wise as a snake. The warrior of light does not accept gifts from enemies. He believes in miracles - and miracles happen. He is convinced that with thought he is able to transform life - and life gradually becomes different. Paulo Coelho. Book of the Warrior of Light Every person sets out in life on a selfless feat - a search for himself. But in some cases, he does not find himself. It is possible that the door to yourself has already been slammed and the keys have been thrown away, or somewhere halfway you have lost yourself on the road of rules and stereotypes. Now it’s difficult to say what exactly breaks the will to live. One thing is clear: it looks like you need to look for a master key. Such a master key can be a good teacher, a psychologist, a lifelong friend who is wiser. On the other hand, the other is always interested to know: what is there, behind the door? Is there anything valuable there? What is it worth building relationships for, living and fighting for your student/friend/client/son, etc.? It is possible that, having opened this room, we look around with passion, and there is emptiness from a sense of self-importance ( Read more about this in the article: “Psychology of self-importance”). Then our “prisoner” is an emotional corpse, or a person in a case. And you are a stupid seeker of dependent relationships/adventures or a burnt-out workaholic. Only the one who asks for help needs to be truly helped. And if not? In any case, with each age these doors, stages of growing up and self-determination become more and more numerous. And it’s getting more and more difficult to pick up master keys for them... Once upon a time, there, behind this door, a little cute child just lived. Helpless and naive, stupid and gullible, in need of help and surrounded by a world of fairy-tale characters. The child had his own desires, spontaneity, immaturity, and an infantile idea of ​​his “grand possibilities.” Until a certain moment, this door was sunny and rainbows, covered in ridiculous drawings and pictures. Perhaps it was wide open and in moments of boredom one of the parents was replaced by a teddy bear on the crib. A lot of colors, a lot of light. Then this room began to close and “withdraw into itself”, to fence itself off from the rest. Clumsy, sharp, caustic, incomprehensible, without any performance. And a guard already lived there, clearly defending his position, his place in the sun, his long hair before the first of September. Perhaps he was already a rock star, a talk show host, the next Bill Gates - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that he was simply a man who knew how to dream. After all, no one has ever paid him anything for his dream. So he didn't know how much it was worth. I dreamed so beautifully, naturally and freely. Perhaps he created, invented and rediscovered something, tried it. But now he knows the value of his dream. He lives according to a plan and a clear schedule. Get up at 6.00! A cup of coffee. Morning coffee is so invigorating! And there are still a lot of reports ahead. But a few sips of coffee and he'll be able to work like a horse again. At first he didn't know how much his dream was worth. Then I realized that it is priceless, but in order to earn it you need to work about this much. Now he knows a lot. I have seen the light in many ways and even become overripe in some places. Defended your space or bought a place in the sun. But ask him: “Are you happy?” Tell me, is a stockbroker ever happy when he finds out that the shares he just bought are worthless? Is a driven horse ever happy? Most likely no. Perhaps he understands this. What was good then for the little dreamer has now become worthless in the value-setting world. Behind us are several cities and many apartments, and a very large number of rooms. But ask him if he has his own “room of his own,” a place where he found himself? More about this in the article “Create and the money will come by itself.”yourself." And this is how he lives his life. Quiet, peaceful, calm. But one day, when there is a change in his children's room, he suddenly becomes very vigilant. He comes in, quietly, silently smiling, tugging at his son’s curly forelock and seeing himself in him. Now his son dreams with his dreams. Then he tells him: “I, too, was like you - I knew how to dream! And then I learned to make plans. But I never found myself, I didn’t become myself, because I didn’t know that dreams need to be defended. Every time you fight for your dream again and again. Perhaps you can do it. You just have to believe and never give up, don’t put it off. Because a dream is your treasure of dedication from the priceless search for yourself. It is the only one of the few that determines future potential and human value. This is a small contribution from a piece of your soul, provided that you managed to remain true to yourself. The contribution for which you are here, and you must give this piece of yourself to the world with complete dedication!” And so it continues from generation to generation. Each person has his own path to himself. We will not delve further into spiritual quests; we will only consider the paths along which the formation of personality occurs. So, let's get to the path of the “Warrior of Light”. Why do people even have the desire to exchange a warm and cozy room/habitual life for the hardships of the Warrior’s Path? After all, one way or another, no one will leave their homes of their own free will. The path of a loser. A person living the life of a plankton (at the level of “shame”, “anger”, “despair”, defending independence and falling into codependent relationships with the outside world) is sick with the self-deception of a loser. See more about this in my article: “Assemblage point. Levels of consciousness." What is the behavioral modality of a fool? He constantly allows himself to be fooled. This consists in the fact that he goes to search for himself in others (something or someone). Since I can’t do anything, I haven’t achieved anything, my life has no value, I’ll sacrifice myself for the benefit of someone else’s idea/society, and so on. Such people are the backbone of any system, system or mystical teaching. They are attracted by the opportunity to serve others, to be useful, and needed. In this way, their existential need for recognition and respect is satisfied. Some people quickly go through this stage, others stay there forever, never learning the lesson. Usually losers sacrifice themselves for others. But this is a wasted sacrifice, because people usually value return over quality. They value the dedication that comes from the uniqueness of a person. It is not sacrifice that is considered of great value, but self-belief, authenticity, originality - these are the most valuable artifacts. The Way of the Warrior. People - warriors - are people with the level of “pride”, “bravery” and “readiness”. What is the behavioral modality of a “warrior”? The reason why they went on the warpath is quite simple - it is nonconformism, the romance of urban souls, the search for themselves outside the system or an escape from boredom/routine/ordinariness. For such people, the Path of the Warrior becomes a favorite/love activity to which they need to devote their whole life without a trace. It is possible to come up with your own system, your own enemies. But at the center of the personality there is still no self: one’s values, principles and interests. At the center of the value system will be resistance, an orientation toward searching for the enemy/obstacles/excuses for why things didn’t work out, etc. A person can brag about this system to his friends. You can get carried away with searching for and discovering the enemy and get so carried away that the enemy appears in earnest. But the world is fair, whoever needs what attracts it. See more about this in the article: "Peacemaking processes. A sense of justice." If you need an enemy for self-affirmation, please do so. Then the arms race begins. Some wars go further, up the value system. Others stay and hang on this path forever. Their motto in life: “Fight and search, find (the enemy) and do not give up! And then find a new enemy!” The Path of Love The third group - those who have reached it - is the smallest. This is a group from the levels of “acceptance”, “intelligence” and “love”. What are they»….