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By understanding your intuition and state of mind, you can free yourself from professional and personal complications and find the necessary solutions much easier. “The crazier times are, the more important it is for leaders to develop and trust their intuition” - These words belong to the American researcher Tom Peters. Each of us has intuition. It is given to us from birth, but not everyone knows how to use it. After all, the “sixth sense” is something intangible and at the same time quite real. It is the little voice inside of us that tells us to rely on everything we have encountered and experienced in life. Although we are trained to rely on rational thinking, we use the power of our own intuition every day, sometimes without even realizing it. And sometimes we simply ignore it - to our own detriment. Intuition is an important component of decision making in everyday life. We can turn to it when hiring, thinking about ways to stimulate employees, choosing partners and establishing partnerships, choosing strategy and tactics of negotiations, identifying and predicting trends in social development, a particular industry, market, etc. In today’s fast-paced business world, decisions should be taken quickly and adequately. Despite the fact that many people try not to say it out loud, intuition is the main component of success when making decisions. This is the secret weapon of so many successful leaders. They describe it as knowing something directly, bypassing a lengthy analytical process. Intuition seems to occur on a subconscious level. An experienced leader analyzes the situation and makes a decision using the entire array of information stored in his memory. His brain collects this data and “packages” it in the form of new concepts. This work is carried out in the subconscious. First, such a leader studies possible logical options for solving the problem, then “listens” to himself, waiting for an internal answer. It combines logic and intuition. When we talk about logical thinking, we mean its conscious, reasoned analytical part, which operates with fragments, draws conclusions and understands the printed text. The subconscious is our inner “I”. It includes the experience we have gained. And this inner intuitive part is capable of developing. She is not evaluative-thinking and is in a solitary state. She supplies us with an endless amount of information material. This is an area where knowledge already exists in ready-made form. We know more than we think. And we can find a wider application for our knowledge than we can imagine. Intuition acts as a gift that gives us the opportunity to synthesize ideas. And yet, what is intuition? Intuition is the ability, by mentally analyzing and reasoning, to instantly make the right decisions, bypassing intermediate results. An intuitive decision can arise either as a result of intense thinking or without it. When intuition begins to work, a strange but very pleasant feeling appears that life is responding to our desires. It resonates, responds, the impression of reciprocity arises, as if we are having an affair with life. It is known that Garry Kasparov can beat the best chess computer. How can this be when such a computer is able to calculate moves much earlier than its opponent? Everything depends on the intuitive “grip” of the chess player. Experience allows him to combine analysis with a “feeling” for which move is the best. Regardless of who you are - a businessman, politician, leader or father, by understanding your intuition and state of mind, you can, by developing these skills, thereby get rid of professional and personal complications and it is much easier and simpler to search for the necessary answers.