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How to find your love or a Letter to your other half... Once upon a time there was a legend that people were whole and beautiful, they created entire universes with their thoughts and dreams and for this the gods They were angry with them, they envied people's ability to be happy and whole and divided beautiful creatures in two. The halves, divided in two, hugged each other, trying in vain to grow together and return to wholeness, but this was impossible, time passed and the halves dispersed throughout the world, mixed up and are now trying in vain to find each other in order to reunite. The story of this division entered our subconscious as the myth of the androgynes, or the first race of people on earth who existed before the beginning of time and were asexual. Since the separation, men and women appeared, the whole world was divided in two, and we devote our whole lives to searching for our second half, which will help us return to the notorious wholeness in order to find happiness. What is the hidden veiled meaning of searching for the second half on earth and why we Do we spend so much time searching for our love? What is included in the idea of ​​​​meeting the partner of our dreams and how can we find our love and not make a mistake? Myths are fraught with hidden magic and secret knowledge, by comprehending which we receive the keys to the collective unconscious mind and can create a miracle, change our lives completely. This is our difference from animals, this is our divine gift and potential. Descending to earth, divine energy is embodied in the body of a man or woman, so we are accustomed to think, however, the teachings of the Roerichs, as well as the ascended masters, say that this divine spark is so high-class that it is not capable of being in the body of only a man or woman, it comes into the third dimension it is divided in two and one man and exactly one woman appear on earth, who are the essence of the same thing, these are parts of one single spark, one soul. It is this spark, embodied in a man and a woman, that received the symbolic name “Twin Flame,” which means the flame of the same soul. In ancient religions, the symbol of love was two beautiful people - a man and a woman, who embodied people’s ideas about ideal high relationships , such an example today is the images of Shiva and Parvati, a male god and a female deity, who, having reunited, create matter and a great impulse of development. Every great man always has a woman who inspires him, for whom he performs his feats; classics of all times and peoples sing of love as the highest feeling that we can experience on this Earth. How all this is connected with us, ordinary mortals, and how to understand and can't we pass by who our other half is? There are several rules, the observance of which will allow you to find and find happiness, to meet the only one with whom you will go through life with love and joy. This, unfortunately, is not taught in schools, we rarely see examples of this in the human world, but still great and great love exists in a world full of chaos and disunity, and if a person does not exchange for something temporary, then he will receive a reward for his search and diligence. Level 1 of relationships is “relationships - consumption”, which are based on the law of vibrational correspondence, or the law of cause and effect. We meet exactly the person who matches our characteristics and level of internal development. This is why so many people live and date people who are not their soulmate, but serve an important role in shaping their personality: they teach us and change us for the better. These relationships are familiar to everyone, when two people, as if pulling the strap, perform some kind of duty, each goes through his own lesson, teaching the other what is missing in him. A woman who is so lacking in love should learn to give it to others; one who lacks dignity will find a man who will teach her a sense of self-worth by humiliating andputting her down. A man who has not had time to grow up will meet a woman-mother, who should force him to abandon his childishness and grow up. Well, those who work on themselves in relationships and strive to improve them, of course, will soon move to the next level and enter into the correlation “Relationships - relationships”, and not “Addiction - work and lessons”. So, the first principle is “Like attracts like,” and therefore you should look at what these relationships teach you, why they were given to you and what you would like, what you lack. And everything you want you need to give to your partner. If you want freedom, give it to another, love, give it love. The secret to a long and deep relationship is to learn to give, because in the ancient Russian language the word relationship meant “to give to another.” So, we learn to give. The second level, which opens to those who live their lives and do not watch it from TV screens, is a relationship based on exchange. If at the first level we consume the resources of another: be it time, money, feelings, then having learned to give, we become worthy of exchange, that is, everyone gives something and is happy about it, then the couple grows stronger and love comes to these people, because love is the energy that blesses worthy people. I think the energy of love is completely conscious, it truly works wonders for those who believe in it and let it flow through them. And we miss love when we perform actions in the name of another, these actions are a sign of love. Everything that happens up to this level is not love, people meet and one consumes the other until someone learns to give. If one grows to the ability to love, and the other does not, as a rule, according to vibrational law, these people diverge, and each goes further along the path of their development. We think that we love a person so much, but we love ourselves through the reflection in that person, as soon as the reflection worsens, we look for something else. If both work on the relationship, then they reach the level of exchange and experience happiness and joy. In such relationships, the best in a man and a woman is best revealed, and they comprehend the deep meaning of life. And if we qualitatively evaluate the social background today, then the relations of the first level “relationship - consumption” will amount to 80% and only 20% are relations based on the principle of exchange. And the third level constitutes the highest level of relationships - unconditional love, when no one holds the other and the essence of love is love itself without any conditions, debts and obligations. Few are capable of this level, and this is a sign of the highest spiritual development. Once upon a time, Prince Gautama Buddha, out of great love and compassion, went on a pilgrimage and renounced the kingdom, giving his wife the freedom to remarry. She, experiencing unconditional love for her husband and father of her child, accepted the choice of her husband without condemnation and embarked on a simple path. life, giving up the throne and wealth. She could not go with her husband along the path that he chose, but she followed him along the path of his soul and lived alone, a simple life, until the end of her days. Few people today can even understand the meaning of this, but such couples exist and they have existed at all times, these are the wives of the Decembrists, who abandoned luxury and followed their husbands to Siberia, and the great heroes of novels, who became heroes because they raised their level consciousness to such an extent. When a person comprehends all types and levels of love on earth, through his “other half,” he is freed from the shackles of duality and becomes an integral being, overcoming division. This is precisely the essence of the myth of androgynes, who were once separated by the gods. It is by reuniting with our other half, having gone through all our lessons, that we return to our true selves, and then the essence of love and life becomes clear. And every person who has walked this path with us is worthy of gratitude, because he helped us find true self-love, contained in love for another. Anna Antre, writer, author of the novel “The Book