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“I was once told that sleep is the place where desire and fear meet. When they coincide, we call it a nightmare.” G. D. Roberts Audio version of the article https://www.b17.ru/media/70929/?prt=832171 We call nightmares dreams that are charged with powerful energy and contain some disturbing material. As a rule, such dreams are remembered very well, their images leave an indelible impression, because at the culminating moment of tension in the nervous system we leave the state of sleep and its awareness turns on. Moreover, the intensity of the emotions evoked by a nightmare ensures that the effect produced on the conscious mind will be colossal and will remain in the consciousness for quite a long time. The dreams that frighten us are very meaningful and vital. Through them, nature seems to be trying to wake us up. A nightmare, as a sign of a certain urgency of some problem, indicates that our fear has taken on disproportionately large proportions, or that suppressed emotions are beginning to acquire a negative impact on us. Creepy dreams have as their main goal the correction of some instability in the current life. Often, from the moment we perceive the important message (the release of blocked energy and the disappearance of unnecessary fears) transmitted by the psyche, the nightmare stops disturbing us. It is necessary to listen to your unconscious, which wants to shock, warn of danger, and assimilate as a guide to action the message that is conveyed to the dreamer in a dream. And most importantly, conquer your fear and look it in the eyes, go towards the frightening plot. Otherwise, sleep may get worse from time to time. The time is coming to understand that certain questions asked by life require new answers, found in attention, first of all, to oneself, to one’s inner self. In a dream, the unconscious not only tries to report on the state of the psyche, but also creates space for the possibility of healing. The plots of nightmares can be very different: falling from a great height; persecution by mythical creatures; attack by real animals; various types of disasters; unsuccessfully overcoming obstacles; inability to run, scream, to escape danger; death; murder; natural disasters; end of the world. It is necessary to listen to the dream symbols and understand what message they carry. Let me give you a few examples. An impossible cry in a dream may indicate the impossibility of making it public, calling for help, or expressing one’s condition publicly in reality. Is it worth choosing silence, avoidance, and through this engaging in unnecessary containment of your emotions, leading to internal conflict? If in a dream there is a terrible seducing man or woman literally sucking the energy out of you, then this may mean that a sexual problem is pressing and cannot be ignored. If a fence or other insurmountable obstacle is constantly present in dreams, this means that, without realizing it, you have imposed certain restrictions on yourself and are not eliminating them. The motive of persecution by a certain figure who is chasing you may be an indication that there are qualities, properties that cannot be accepted in oneself. Connection with these qualities is necessary, despite the painful perception of this fact. For reference. Scientists have put forward the idea that nightmares are a kind of training for the nervous system, designed to prepare us for all sorts of situations that we may experience in reality. After all, the state of fear activates the same parts of the brain. But, I think, this approach somewhat simplifies the vision of the phenomenon of dreams. Full or partial copying of the materials of this article is permitted with the obligatory indication of the author and a direct hyperlink to the article https://www.b17.ru/article/413940/?prt=832171 Analysis of dreams, psychological counseling Book a consultation by phone number 8 (930) 383-1-555 WhatsApp,