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Choosing can be a real challenge, especially when our desires conflict with each other. Inner conflict can cause confusion, doubt and confusion, but there are some important steps you can take to make this decision more conscious and make the right decision. First step Analyze and determine your desires and motives. Perhaps some of our desires are based on superficial or poorly thought-out reasons. It is important to understand what really stands behind each desire and how it relates to our values ​​and goals. Sometimes it can be helpful to make a list of pros and cons for each option to better clarify your preferences and needs and answer the question “Why do I need this?” The second step is to become aware of your personal goals and values. To make the right decision, we need to understand what is truly important to us and what aligns with our values. This could be self-respect, personal development, a relationship with someone who means a lot to us, or achieving a certain career goal. When we are clear about our goals and values, it becomes easier to make decisions that are not affected by our comprehensive desires and fears. Step Three: Look at the long-term consequences of each choice. When we are faced with internal conflict, we often focus only on the immediate gratification of our desires, without thinking deeply about what we will do later with the result of our choices. But it is important to ask yourself the question: which decision will be the most favorable in the long term? Moreover, you need to try to consider the situation from different angles, because the obviously correct decision is not always the right one for us. Sometimes it is easier to give preference to one option, since it is more understandable, familiar and predictable. The fourth step It is often difficult to make a decision precisely because of the uncertainty of the final result and the lack of understanding of what, in principle, you will have to face in the process. Therefore, it is important to study and explore both options if both bring something new to life, or from exploring the option that can have a greater impact on life. In particular, you can try to get in touch with what you want in practice. For example, a person wants to become a florist, but he doesn’t dare - he doesn’t know whether this profession will suit him. You can try to get in touch with it: collect bouquets for loved ones for the holidays, attend a master class or take a short florist course. Fifth step Try to find common connections between desires and try to combine them, if possible. For example, a person wants to spend a lot of time both at home and traveling. It seems that these desires contradict each other, but you can find a loophole in them and combine them in your life. In practice, it may look like this: for example, spend half the year traveling and half the year at home. Or maybe another option that is not always obvious is to purchase or rent a motor home. In which you can live in the same place as much as you like, but at any moment you can get up and go on a trip. Of course, these are approximate options and a lot depends on the context, capabilities and needs of a person. Or, for example, getting older , it can be difficult to decide on a relationship with the person you like and thereby ruin your usual way of life. But you don’t have to do this right away - you can first learn more about each other, communicate with this person more often, perhaps try to be friends, and then make a decision. Sixth step Making a decision and taking responsibility for the process, for the result and for all your accompanying this emotional states. Relying on ourselves, when making a difficult decision, we ourselves are responsible for the results of our decisions. No one knows our wants and needs better than ourselves. When we make our own decisions, we take responsibility for our own)