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Among psychologists, half jokingly, but very seriously, there is a saying that when coming to a session, a specialist should be well-fed, well-rested and satisfied. That's how it should be. This is not just a dream state for any person, but also the duty of a psychologist, his responsibility to the client. In what ways do psychologists and therapists maintain this working state? Once upon a time, while reading a description of working methods in a presentation by one therapist, I caught my attention on the phrase “I will be courageous with you.” Perhaps some of the clients who also read such presentations will find this word a little strange, but it resonated in my heart instantly. In my practice, I often work with difficult situations, issues of life and death, and crises. In such work, it is very important to join a person, but not to merge with him, not to flinch, to be a solid, reliable support, to give the opportunity to face frightening feelings, to experience the unexperienced, feeling that there is someone nearby who is able to withstand it. I remember the words of my client, who thanked me for not fencing her off, for not repeating, like everyone else, “don’t worry, you can handle it.” It was important for her that, without losing courage, as if hand in hand, I went down the steps to the very depths of hard-to-bear feelings, helped me meet them and slowly rise to the surface so that I could take a breath of air and move on with my life. At such moments you especially value your readiness and resilience. How do psychologists maintain themselves in a resourceful state? First of all, it is mandatory to take care of yourself and your health. This is any sport, for me yoga, bodybuilding and swimming. Regular visits to the doctor are mandatory for all of us, and for people in helping professions it is especially important. Inner calm is contagious, it is transmitted to the client non-verbally, and you can already rely on it. No less important is professional competence, that is, the ability to successfully act on the basis of knowledge, skills and experience. Knowledge and skills are constantly expanded by professionals who take care of themselves. This includes participation in master classes, advanced training on certain topics, and attendance at conferences. Different psychologists will describe the importance of personal therapy and supervision in slightly different ways. Some people prefer therapy, others prefer analysis of their professional difficulties, analysis of complex cases. But both are required. A good specialist always allocates time and money for this. And another form that has similar features to supervision is Balint groups, a method of group training research work. Originally created to analyze the professional problems of doctors that arise in the process of communicating with patients, today they work effectively in the field of any helping professions. The Balint group is work with the unconscious. Personal meaning and significance of what happened, “blind spots”, reactions - silences, emotions and bodily sensations arising under the influence of psychological defenses, transferences, counter-transferences. Moreover, the process takes place in a very protected atmosphere and is not therapy, but an analysis of professional communication. I really like this form of support without judgment, advice or the only right decision. Here are the main ways a psychologist can stay healthy and resilient. I cannot help but mention the miraculous encounters with beauty - music, poetry, literature, travel, loved ones. And no matter how you contact me - by Skype, phone or in person, rest assured that I have taken care of myself, I will be reliable and stable, I will be by your side, and you will take with you as much as you can carry today.