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Coaching - a method leading to happiness and harmony Every person is inclined either to a positive perception of life, or more often notices the unsightly sides of reality. One way or another, absolutely everyone strives for happiness and well-being in their understanding. And depending on innate or acquired tendencies and inclinations, the habit of perceiving the world from a positive or negative side - and this is precisely a habit (there are no pessimistic kids) - prevails in a person, depending on his choice, life strategy, beliefs and experience. People who are familiar with the practice of coaching and apply it to solve various issues develop and begin to possess so-called positive and constructive thinking - the ability to see and use all available opportunities and resources and even create them, accurately identify, anticipate development trends and find the optimal course of action, which allows you to achieve maximum results with minimal effort. They clearly have a focus on results and a desire for success - the fundamental principles of coaching, a method aimed at achieving goals, creating positive experiences and unlocking a person’s potential. It is worth mentioning that coaching as a separate area has evolved from the most effective strategies of business, sports and psychology, aimed at developing true champions, leaders and self-realizing people who develop their talents and virtues, and actively use hidden internal resources. Coaching considers any intended positive changes in the integrity and interconnection of all aspects of a person’s life in order to maintain and maintain balance and harmonious development - the so-called systems approach. The method helps a person to be aware of processes at various levels: his environment, actions, abilities, values, identification (I) and his mission and vision. Thus, coaching is a great chance to learn to understand the relationship of your internal processes and states with external events and learn to manage both, taking into account all the possible consequences of your actions. The undoubted result of such knowledge and its practical application will be structure, order, balance in life and natural success. The very philosophy of coaching, where a person is a unique, holistic personality with enormous potential and opportunities to realize all his needs and desires, makes happiness, harmony and success of a person in all its manifestations the norm. And, according to the theory of a multivariate future, which depends on choice and internal attitude, it is obvious that the path followed by the client of this method is the most optimal for development and success. Another very significant advantage of coaching is that the goal of the method is to help a person find the answers himself, set clear goals and select the best solutions, help himself in their implementation, overcome difficulties and reveal the source of his strength and inspiration. This is fundamentally important, since exactly what a person has done himself becomes part of his experience, his skill, his advantage and belongs to him entirely. During coaching sessions, clients often experience insights and insights, a clear vision and deep understanding appear, the boundaries of perception expand and internal contradictions and even muscle tension in the body disappear - all this happens with the help of a specialist, but the person himself thinks, feels, analyzes, realizes and draws conclusions, achieves the desired results himself, even if they seemed impossible to him at the very beginning. Such a person will never again be a victim of circumstances, he becomes a creator who creates his own reality, relies on himself and depends less and less on the environment. This is greatly facilitated by the fact that coaching connects a person with his true values. People's behavior is often based on beliefs that they learned in childhood in their family circle or accepted inthe process of gaining personal experience, positive or negative. Over time, as a result of changes in living conditions and the transformation of the person himself, his beliefs must also change so that a person’s ideas about reality correspond to reality. But it also happens that beliefs remain the same. This happens by inertia, because it is more comfortable for a person to remain with his usual ideas, or when he ceases to separate his beliefs and objective reality, accepting his ideas as the truth, the objective, the only one. Further, these beliefs, which are not subject to criticism, are passed down from generation to generation. And the little successors of the family take on faith the postulates that were relevant and true for their relative, and may not be suitable for the current situation. Acting out of convictions, a person risks ultimately remaining unsatisfied, realizing needs and ideas that are not his own (if these beliefs were instilled in him from the outside: by parents, authoritative superiors, etc.). The tendency and habit to act in accordance with the beliefs of the family and environment in which a person lives makes him conditioned, dependent and bound by external constraints. There are two sources for the development of good qualities - external and internal. In the first case, they try to impose positive qualities on a person from the outside - his parents, teachers, environment - through a system of punishment and reward, they instill certain rules of behavior. But already in adolescence, a person begins to test these rules for truth and challenge them. And yet, as a rule, he is forced to agree, at least temporarily, so as not to become an outcast and not lose the benefits of this society. When social pressure weakens, a person becomes able to violate these external principles. There is an alternative option - developing virtues from within. Each of us already has all the good qualities within us; we just need to help realize and develop them, and manifest them in our activities. When a person in his actions proceeds from values ​​- his timeless, true principles - he achieves the results he needs and experiences deep satisfaction, since he thus expresses and realizes himself as he essentially is, reveals his talents and abilities. Society values ​​such people because they stand out from the masses with their uniqueness, naturalness, healthy enthusiasm and involvement in life processes. In addition, personal values ​​serve as a link between the spiritual culture of society and the spiritual world of man, therefore such people are connected with society at the highest and most important creative level, they are connected with other people through respect, acceptance, love as harmonious interaction and care for the environment world. At this level of perception, a person becomes an individual from a conditioned personality. He is able to create himself and the world around him, and help others in their own development. He treats himself and others with respect, sees the merits and capabilities of other people, appreciates their talent, their uniqueness and helps them to reveal their potential. Such people are always loved and revered, they are looked up to and supported. Thus, coaching is the way to return a person to true values, to his essence. Just as in the mysterious legends that describe the hero’s path to treasure, where dangerous obstacles and monstrous guardians appear on his way, so a person’s path to deep values ​​is hindered by unpleasant memories, emotions, fears and pain. As in the legend, the hero – a strong, sincere and brave man – can pass through. Coaching helps every person to reveal the best qualities in themselves, become a real hero and achieve their goals. By realizing his desires and needs, creating his life and himself, a person becomes confident, strong, powerful. He himself becomes an authority for himself, independent, self-sufficient and whole..