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Every day consists of actions. Every action is like a brick in the wall of the building we call Life. Separately, the brick itself is uninteresting. This is a simple and cheap material. But the skill of the builders, architects, designers, the quality of the materials provided - all of this together determines what exactly will turn out in the end. Maybe this is a bridge connecting lovers, maybe a home for a large and cheerful family, maybe a school or a beautiful cozy cafe. A person builds his life through daily actions. He works hard and gets results. But how often does he not see what he is building? And how sad it is when it turns out that he walled himself up within four walls. I recently found this parable. Once upon a time there lived a foreman. He had been building houses all his life, but he became old and decided to retire. “I’m quitting,” he told the employer. - I'm retiring. I will babysit my grandchildren with the old lady. The owner was sorry to part with this man, and he asked him: - Listen, let’s do this - build the last house and we’ll help you retire. With a good bonus! The foreman agreed. According to the new project, he had to build a house for a small family, and so it began: approvals, searches for materials, inspections... The foreman was in a hurry, because he already saw himself in retirement. He left something unfinished, simplified something, bought cheap materials because they could be delivered faster... He felt that he was not doing his best work, but justified himself by saying that this was the end of his career. Upon completion of construction, he called the owner. He looked around the house and said: “You know, this is your house!” Here, take the keys and move in. All documents have already been completed. This is a gift from the company for your many years of work. What the foreman experienced was known only to him! He stood red with shame, and everyone around clapped their hands, congratulated him on his housewarming and thought that he was blushing from shyness, but he was blushing with shame at his own negligence. He realized that all the mistakes and shortcomings were now his problems, and everyone around him thought that he was embarrassed by the expensive gift. And now he had to live in the only house that he built poorly... Moral: We are all foremen. We build our lives the same way as a foreman before retiring. We don't put in much effort, believing that the results of this particular construction project are not that important. Why unnecessary effort? But then we realize that we live in a house that we ourselves built. Because everything we do today matters. Today we are building a house that we will move into tomorrow. There is probably no person who would immediately receive a clear plan for the building he is building, the building of His Life. We all inherit our foundation from our parents. But everyone has the opportunity to ask: What am I building, step back, look at the creation of their hands, sum up the interim results and outline a reconstruction plan. Your life is your every day. If you are surrounded by people, objects, events that you do not like, remember that this is your home, your building. And nothing will resolve. The house needs care. And in this case, the first question is also the most difficult: What am I building? What do I want? Try to answer it right away. Write 50 answers in 30 minutes, whatever comes to your mind. Then put it aside for 3 weeks and look at it with fresh eyes. Noticed something interesting? So start doing something small and simple every day to build your unique strong home brick by brick!