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When choosing a profession, it is advisable to consult a psychologist, but the main thing is to listen to yourself Victoria TARKOVA: There are fewer and fewer universal recipes on the labor market They say that to find the ideal job for yourself , you need to remember what you loved to do as a child. “This is a statement from the genre of “kitchen” psychology, but if you can’t consult a specialist, then at least you should try to discover your true desires and skills,” says psychologist Victoria Tarkova. As deputy director of the regional Center for Professional Career Development, she explains to future and lost professionals how to find a job they love and build their dream career. Victoria Vladimirovna told us what trends paint the picture of the modern labor market, and whether there is a secret to success that can be applied to any profession. -You have a unique and, in general, amazing profession - helping others find their profession... - At one time, I completely changed the type of activity, almost in the opposite direction. I worked as a civil engineer; logical thinking and spatial imagination are important for this profession. Contact at work is mainly with technology - you do work on a computer. I realized that my abilities and interests lie in a different plane. For the work of a psychologist, the ability to empathize and establish emotional contact with a person is very important. As for specialization - consulting in job search, identifying professional skills and abilities, this is a topic that is very close to me. I myself experienced a “professional dead end.” Is this a special term among psychologists? No, more like a metaphor. “Professional dead end” is a figurative name for the crisis. In general, crisis is translated as “great danger”, but also as “great opportunity”. With the transition to a new stage, with a change in social roles, the experience of this state is inevitable. Crises can be planned, both at work and in life in general: a young specialist becomes an experienced specialist, receives the status of a mentor, and, in the end, retires. But there are moments when a person begins to feel that his expectations are not met. about their career, their place in life, they come across reality and do not coincide with it. In this case, dissatisfaction may be associated not with the profession as a whole, but, for example, with a specific team or salary. We can talk about “professional dead end” if a person experiences emotional exhaustion for three months, loses interest in work and its results, and does not feel personal significance. Is it possible, in principle, to do without worrying about the significance of your work? And is it possible to choose a profession once and for all at the age of 17? - Of course, self-reflection is natural. A person, having satisfied his basic needs, begins to think about who he is, what he is like as a professional, and whether others value him. And here everything is very individual: someone really at the age of 17 chooses the profession of their whole life, and someone, having gone a long way in one field, after thinking well, at the age of 50 changes everything and becomes a successful professional in a completely different industry, working there to a very old age. The most I have seen is 7 higher education degrees from one person. But this is not a change of jobs, but rather education as a specific type of activity, the endless polishing of knowledge. To enter a profession, you need to form a prism through which you can look at it and evaluate its results. To do this, you need to gain experience, learn the pros and cons. This is also individual, but on average, according to my estimates, it takes at least 3 years. - This means that it is still possible to understand what will be the work of your whole life at the age of 17... - I would say that choosing a job once for the rest of your life is now difficult, It’s even unrealistic, and not improving your qualifications is generally a utopia. Those who think that they would quickly graduate from college and not study anymore are mistaken. The labor market trend that will continue and intensify is the change in training-work cycles,training-work. It is important to be prepared for professional mobility in all respects: moving, business trips, restructuring the structure of the organization and mastering new professions. - What other qualities will be useful in the future at any job? - Developed communications most quickly lead to success. If a person wants to achieve results, then he will need the ability to convey his thoughts and involve colleagues in his projects. Now the labor market is paradoxical, chaotic, without universal recipes for success. Our reality cannot be described by simple schemes like: you work more, you get more, a profession in demand means a profitable job. An excellent education does not guarantee quick advancement through the ranks. Creativity comes to the fore, because in any profession you can now see an explosion of complexity. A person is given a task, but they do not explain how to carry it out, and he is fully responsible for the result. The way he knows how to navigate difficult situations provides him with career growth. In this regard, by the way, the level of stress increases - uncertainty weighs heavily. And stress resistance is a mental characteristic that is difficult to correct. So, when choosing a job, you need to think carefully and weigh many nuances. — You work a lot with schoolchildren and young people. In your opinion, are they ready to accept such rules of the working world?—Young people are characterized by “heroic” thinking and flexibility. However, they expect the best without calculating the risks. Public opinion influences: everyone wants to be a big boss, drive cool cars and earn a lot. We gently work with this stereotype: it is important to build a picture of real prospects for the next 10 years, to find true goals. There is a comparison: life is like a ship that has no tailwind if there is no goal. Of course, life itself can make adjustments to any plan, but its presence is a very good motivation. The negative trend is that young people attribute too much influence to the external environment: for example, they cannot find a job due to lack of experience. Abstaining responsibility is counterproductive. “What can I personally do in these circumstances?” “What is the simplest thing I can start with today?” - you need to ask yourself such questions constantly. - And what questions need to be answered in order to choose a profession? - First of all, a person needs to understand in what plane his abilities and inclinations that can be developed are located. Here the help of a psychologist is very appropriate. After that, choose your area of ​​interest: where is the real buzz, drive and pleasure for you? Of course, it’s worth studying the promising labor market. If we talk about the Novosibirsk region, then the course is set for the development of an industrial cluster. Engineers, technologists, and highly qualified workers will be in demand. — It turns out that it is now profitable to choose a narrow technical specialty? — It is reasonable to clearly define for yourself the scope of future activity, to be a real specialist in something. In general, there is a lot of opportunism in current education. Any specialty with the word “management” in the name is successful with applicants and their parents. But at 22, the person has not yet matured; there is a lot of maximalism in him, but he has little experience. It is unlikely that anyone will entrust a serious area of ​​management to a young person without experience. So it’s better to get a profession that is practically applicable, and then learn the art of management. Blitz survey What event has recently attracted your attention? Something regularly surprises me. Probably the last thing that impressed me was Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book “Flow. Psychology of optimal experience." It is about that state when you live your life completely involved in a continuous stream of activities that give you pleasure. It is in this state that a person can create, create new things, be satisfied and useful to others. Do you have a hobby? I like to do Gestalt therapy. So I’m a happy person, my extra work is my hobby. Do you have a motto? Be the main director in your life!.