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Once again I want to talk about financial carelessness, since this is the real scourge of our time. Often people live large, spend more than they earn, easily take out loans, getting deeply into debt... Thus they give up on their financial future. Financial problems creep up on many people unnoticed and come as a complete surprise to them. Why does this happen? Maybe because we live in a world of material abundance and easily accessible loans? Maybe the reason is that we are surrounded by expensive houses and cars, and supermarket shelves are overflowing with goods? Although the reason for this is not so important - rather alarming is that there are people who cannot and do not want to take care of themselves financially, hoping for constant financial support from outside. Usually, such people sooner or later are faced with the fact that the source of their income becomes very scarce or dries up completely. At such moments, these people often have an “epiphany” and they begin to regret the wasted years. But it’s too late to repent! However, there is good news - whoever doesn’t have money won’t lose it. As the song says: “if you don’t have a dog, you won’t lose it”... Although it is quite doubtful that this news is good... Some people demonstrate by their financial behavior that happiness cannot be found in money, until they find themselves... ears in debt or will not become pensioners with a meager pension. Of course, money is needed not only when grief has befallen you - happiness even more needs to be fueled by money. A wedding, the birth of a child, the opportunity to buy a coveted spacious apartment or become a co-owner of your own business are very pleasant events and even more expensive. If you are not financially literate or at least not provided with money, you will most likely miss all the happy opportunities that life is sometimes very rewards us generously. After all, as luck would have it, it is during this period that emptiness settles in your pockets. Fearing hunger, you need to stock up not on goods, but on skills and abilities. If you want to live well, be able to: 1) see your capabilities. Think about how much knowledge and skills you have that can bring you profit? You definitely have hidden talents! 2) ask for help on time. It’s good to be independent, but it’s even better to have a reliable partner. His funds will be added to the start-up capital or become the financial cushion that will save you from the debt trap and expensive loans. Help is not only about money. Advice, consultations, friendly moral support can also become an invaluable help. 3) negotiate. People doubt each other. Finding a good partner and maintaining contact with clients is good luck for any business. Create your personal contact database using a notebook. The more useful connections you have, the more opportunities you have to solve any problem. 4) count. It’s useful to dream about sky-high dreams, but it’s even more useful to be able to calculate expenses and income, keep records, and evaluate the effectiveness of projects. PS To consolidate the material, complete the practical task: How long ago Have you thought about what money is? What does money mean to you? Are these possibilities? Are these responsibilities? Do you want to have a lot of money or is what you have enough? Give yourself some time alone, in a calm environment, to think about what money means to you. Take a notepad, pen and write down: First: 1)​ Troubles that money can save you from; 2)​ Pleasant things that money can bring into your life; Second: Make a list of your knowledge and skills that can bring you money. Third: 3) What knowledge and skills do you lack? Think about what you don’t know how to do, but think you need to learn. Plan to learn and practice one of the skills that is useful to you. PPS For convenience, I have made a selection of books on personal finance - they will help you “make friends” with your money and master financial literacy