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The peculiarity of consciousness is that the brain receives information (this is what we perceive from the outside) and transmits information (this is our thoughts, mood, feelings and emotions). Metaphorically speaking, this is a kind of receiver - transmitter, instrument. In essence, everything is very simple, WHAT OUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS TUNED TO IS WHAT WE TRANSMIT AND ACCEPT. It, like any instrument, can be customized. BUT HOW? The most important thing in this whole setup process is DO. I meet people who have read a lot of literature, attended many seminars, they have communicated with many specialists - they know a lot of information that is “garbage” for them! but they do nothing in relation to their consciousness. “Garbage” is information that does not help us in any way to achieve our goal, our dream, what we want. This is information that simply takes up memory and is not useful in real life. And naturally, most of life is beyond these people’s control. They passionately want to change their lives, but they direct the vector of efforts outward, and changes always come from within. Being a carrier of information and being a creator of oneself are two completely different people. So, the simplest thing we can DO every morning is to train ourselves to tune in to what we need. For example, try to observe what thoughts you wake up with. What thoughts start your day? What thoughts do you set yourself up for the day? Everything we start thinking about, unnoticed by us, becomes our mood for the day! Our daily mechanical actions are rituals. It is necessary to clarify what exactly in this case is meant by the term “ritual”. Every day you and I perform dozens of rituals without noticing and, more often than not, even thinking about it. They become mechanical - their vector does not pay attention to them and we, like zombies, “create” our lives every day. For example. Morning. We get up, go wash (ritual of washing), wake up the children (ritual of awakening loved ones), prepare breakfast (ritual of preparing breakfast), get the children or ourselves ready for school (kindergarten) (ritual of getting ready for school, kindergarten, work). And now the most important thing is WITH WHAT THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS we do this. Watch yourself. Washing ritual. With what thoughts do we wash our faces, with what thoughts do we look at ourselves in the mirror in the morning, what do we tell ourselves? How do we feel about ourselves when we see our reflection in the mirror? How do we feel at this moment? All this creates our mood. These fleeting thoughts and attitudes “slip” immediately into the area of ​​the unconscious and there they begin to “guide” our behavior, our perception and our assessments of everything that comes our way that day. Ritual of awakening. What words and feelings do our loved ones greet the day with? What are we telling them? What words do they hear first? Breakfast preparation ritual. With what thoughts do we touch products? With what feelings and thoughts do we prepare breakfast? The whole world is permeated with energy, and even if we don’t feel it, it is everywhere and it comes from us. Products absorb it, especially anything that contains water (and humans also contain liquid, which instantly absorbs everything!) The ritual of gathering. What thoughts and feelings do we help our loved ones gather on the day? What words do we send them off with? What do we want them to know, understand, receive? We fill the space around us through our emotions. Yes, dear ladies! It is the woman who fills her family with energies, thoughts and emotions. How? Through your thoughts and emotions every day, performing many rituals unconsciously. And our choice is to continue sleeping and wonder why our children are so nervous, why our husband is so rude, why everyone is unfair... and so on. Or wake up and consciously fill yourself and your world through your thoughts and emotions! IMPORTANT: if we discovered what horror we are broadcasting to the world, forgive yourself for it. We are not taught to think and set ourselves up correctly! Our society teaches us to consume, and this is natural. But each of us has a choice about what!"