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The topic is more relevant than ever, especially at a time when you are sitting in self-isolation. This time gives you a chance to listen to your emptiness. There are often clients who seek advice who are not really ready to hear the truth about themselves. despair, many of them feel the desire to give up control over themselves and hand it over to the therapist, feeding the illusion that he will be able to change them. But the ability to surrender means that, first of all, surrender is needed to oneself. The thought of giving up frightens a person Neurotic patterns of behavior were developed in early childhood as a means of survival, and the fact that now, in adulthood, a person clings to them as to life itself is an integral part of his nature. The first nature is an open child (but this has been lost) .Second nature is something with which a person spends a lot of time. But the person reached the therapist, which means that second nature has failed in some important aspects. But it’s not that simple. The changes that the client is looking for is to make his second nature work successfully. A person is not ready to give up his survival strategy! No therapist can change a client until the person himself sincerely wants to change himself. Many people understand that all the methods of defense they use are nothing more than a “relic of the past”, that the situation no longer exists. But these defense structures have grown into the person. Nobody will not dare to destroy the walls of the prison where dangerous criminals are kept, namely, feelings. The tactics of refusing feelings and killing them in oneself can contribute to survival, but suffering does not disappear. From time to time, it will come to the surface in the form of psychosomatic pain. Ultimately A need is born in a person to open up, to pour out his soul, but even here this impulse can be blocked by the fear of being rejected. How tightly the unconscious holds on. It turns out to be such a struggle with oneself. The struggle between the EGO (mechanical defense against betrayal, rejection, etc.) and the heart and a soul that was imprisoned. When one’s own “I” does not have a safe feeling, then a person cannot endure LONELINESS. Here is the coronavirus for you 😉 The feeling of loneliness initially comes from a feeling of inner emptiness. (We noticed how many people bought alcoholic drinks). A person cannot be alone if he is emotionally alive. Any attempt to overcome pain with the help of WILL does not work!!! Maybe for a short time. But surrendering, accepting your despair and pain, will allow you to step over it. Despair leads to depression, a person will do everything possible just not to experience this feeling. These efforts take a lot of energy, and in the end it will be used up and you will come to despair! What I want to say! Therapy is the search for knowledge about oneself, the search for self-love .When you capitulate, the road to overcoming pain and hopelessness opens. Try to open your heart.❤Exercise.Exploration of your Self.Write your name on sheet A4.nr Maria...and for each letter of your name, without hesitation, come up with associations. e.g. M-soft .. A-scarlet flower .R-etc.. then for each word another association... e.g. (M-soft - what is the word soft associated with - for me with a toy ...etc...) when you write everything down... analyze what you are filled with... Everything that comes out of your head is about you. Peace and goodness to all.89649333979