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This article is not recommendations on what to do while “staying at home” during quarantine. I think that any sane person, who is not inclined to fill any of his free hours with alcohol, can use his unexpected “leisure” without any problems. Surely many people have accumulated some things that they have chronically never gotten around to before, or a favorite hobby can easily help out. This article is about what shadow states can arise in many people during this difficult period. An unusual (to put it mildly) quarantine situation It brings to life not only understandable and justified tension due to the fear of losing a job, money or business. The situation of isolation for many brings up from the bottom of the subconscious a huge number of past traumatic stories that are similar in external context. These can be either transgenerational traumas (those that are passed down from generation to generation in the ancestral system), or personal ones, for example, stories of early childhood. These previously repressed states, emotions and experiences emerge into consciousness and become available for living. And then to the fear of being left without money is added, for example, the horror of a repressed great-grandfather, exiled to a gulag settlement and “locked” there for years. Here, some kind of childhood story can also become active, for example, about being abandoned by his mother in a hospital at 1.5 years old or about early placement in a nursery. All these stories contain the same feelings: fear, tension, helplessness, pain. Their intensity is often beyond the limits of the psyche. They are also united by another common factor - in each of these situations there is someone bigger and older (NKVD, state, mother, teacher) who determines the fate of a person and sets the rules of the “game”. This is someone against whom a person is powerless and cannot resist. At such moments, they helpfully come to the rescue and instantly revive all sorts of their own and generic survival strategies, which does not at all reduce internal tension. Driven by these strategies, people begin to panic and quickly sweep buckwheat off store shelves. This whole pile of experiences that have become accessible simultaneously collapses on a person, aggravating his current state of tension due to the pandemic. And in conditions of self-isolation it causes complete internal collapse. Therefore, the best thing you can do in this situation is to try to figure it out. No, it's not who's to blame. Although the media diligently feed us ideas about an “external enemy.” It is worth understanding yourself and your feelings. Now is a good time for this. To begin with, you can try to take a few independent steps that will reduce anxiety and help you gain more internal stability: - take a complete inventory of your income and expenses. Discuss with your family or business partners what you can give up in the next 2-3 months. It may be worth sending requests for deferred payments to your creditors. - Be aware that in an atmosphere of general nervousness and close communication at home with all family members, it is easy to destroy close relationships, especially if they were already strained. Therefore, it is worth once again restraining yourself from making claims to your partner. It's hard for everyone right now, and your partner can't save you from it. Try to be careful towards each other. - It's time to start developing communication skills, learn to see and hear each other. Tons of literature have been written on this topic, Google will help you. - Agree with your family members that you periodically have your own personal time and space within the general house quarantine. But more often than not, it is extremely difficult to sort out such a tangle of feelings on your own, because they the reasons are inaccessible to awareness. Therefore, if you find yourself in a state of panic, severe tension, fear or apathy, seek help. I work via Skype. With the help of constellation or a trauma therapy session, we can not only separate our feelings from birth stories, but also give powerful support to our own vulnerability. After such work, there are an order of magnitude greater chances