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Client and psychologist: search for the future. Solution-oriented conversation is a completely different concept from what I call “problem-focused conversation.” David Epston In modern society, people are increasingly having difficulty finding their place in society and dealing with a large number of stressful situations. These include relationships at work and in the family, raising children, setting goals and difficulties in their implementation, overcoming personal problems that prevent a person from being happy today and looking forward to the future. Now there are a large number of professional psychologists and psychotherapists who work with such people and provide them with assistance in these matters. The client has someone to turn to and find his psychologist. However, there are a number of difficulties in conducting a “client-psychologist” meeting. In accepted practice, psychologists devote most of their time to searching for the root causes of a client’s psychological trauma and very little focus on solving it today. And there is practically no work being done for the long term, when in the future the client himself will be able to independently overcome similar situations. The meetings between the psychologist and the client are becoming shorter and shorter in terms of the number of meetings held. Clients want immediate changes, and the psychologist is forced to go a long way to find the root causes of the situation and work to change it. As a result, the client does not wait for any improvement in his condition and quits therapy. Today, a transformation of therapeutic practice is underway. Along with old proven methods, new directions for providing psychotherapeutic assistance to people are emerging. The psychologist no longer conducts a directive consultation, but stands next to the client and together they begin to look for alternative, often extraordinary ways to overcome the situation that has arisen today and ways to prevent it in the future. This direction puts into practice the “here and now” thesis, which has become popular recently. During the session, there is a search for new, even the most unusual, ways to solve the client’s problem. Moreover, the client and the therapist reflect and exchange opinions on equal terms, on a common territory, during a dialogue between two people who do not go into the depths of the problem, but go from the problem to its resolution. The ultimate goal is not to overcome or accept the stressful situation by the client, but to transform it today and strive for the future. Here it is important for the psychologist not to forget that during such therapy not only the client changes, but he himself is transformed, his vision of various human situations and ways to solve them. This is no longer just a consultation, it is a new form of communication between a psychologist and a client, where a different reality is modeled, where a different life of a person becomes visible without a problem. Many may protest about the withdrawal during the session from searching for the root causes of the problems that have arisen. It is important to note here that these reasons are often not only of an individual specific nature, but have a pronounced social connotation and often fall outside the sphere of influence of the client himself. And in addition, complex modern life is repeatedly refracted in people’s understanding and causes completely different assessments of the root cause of a person’s problem in different people. Let’s move on directly to the session. A psychologist, first of all, needs to remove directiveness from his work. Relationships are built as equal partners, together looking for ways to solve the client's problem. We begin to look at the problem from different angles, preferably from the most unexpected ones. The psychologist, subtly guiding the client, helps him look at the situation in a new way, from a different angle or from the position of another person. We show the advantages of this problem for the client, how it helps him in life. Interpreting the client's statements, the therapist gradually introduces new data on the problem, previously unconscious by the client. Later in the session, we begin to move into the future. You can see what changes when.