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Flirting is indeed a more complex communicative act than it might seem. Flirting is a verbal or nonverbal message of attraction with romantic or sexual overtones. Sometimes it is obvious and easy to recognize, but often we show sympathy in a more subtle and careful way. This may be because most of us fear rejection, and so, wanting to demonstrate our interest, we prefer indirect messages that provide us with a safe escape route. For example, teasing, banter, compliments, and other forms of affection can be interpreted as messages of affection. But is such communication always flirting? And how can you tell if this is actually flirting and not just friendly communication? According to the results of a recent experiment in which unfamiliar men and women chatted with each other for 10 minutes, it turned out that both men and women were equally They don't recognize well when someone is flirting with them. By the way, men are even somewhat more insightful in this matter: they correctly identified that a girl was flirting with them in 36% of cases, while women recognized flirting from a man only in 18% of cases. What conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study ? Perhaps women flirt more openly than men. Or men are more sensitive to advances and are inclined to flirt when in contact with an unfamiliar woman. And yet, how can you accurately distinguish flirting from simple friendly communication? Watch for non-verbal signs. Body language can tell a lot about your interlocutor's attitude towards you: a smile, posture, casual touch, prolonged or repeated eye-to-eye contact can imply romantic interest. Listen to verbal cues. Both men and women tend to be equally good at recognizing verbal flirting. We especially easily detect sexual interest, supported by compliments, frank hints at the possibility of a romantic relationship. Watch how the person communicates with other members of the opposite sex. Everyone flirts differently, so if you know a person's behavior, you can use cues to help you figure out whether he or she is flirting with you or not. For example, introverts flirt more reservedly and carefully. Their flirting may be more like polite attention or discreet courtship. They will never flirt with you in an inappropriate place, such as a supermarket or subway. But extroverts flirt openly and playfully, they are more expressive, and their repertoire of advances is varied. Often they flirt even when they do not feel sincere interest in the person. If, at every meeting with someone you like, you show each other signs of attention similar to flirting, if you notice that the person’s behavior towards you is different from how he behaves with others, and finally, if you react to a person differently than other people around you, then perhaps this is the beginning of great love?