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As I already wrote in my last article, in the current conditions of instability, you need to move towards your happy future in “short dashes” and you need to start by introducing tiny useful habits into your life. Be flexible, the VUCA world tells us. How to succeed in an era of change It is traditionally accepted to consolidate any useful habits by doing mini-marathons within 21 days. And when every day brings new introductions for us, this is perhaps the best option. But I would like to immediately warn that for thorough consolidation, more time is needed - about 90 days. Probably many of you have repeatedly completed marathons, for example, running or giving up sugar, and after 21 days you joyfully and victoriously returned to eating sweets and a sedentary lifestyle :) Therefore remember - 21 days is better than nothing, but more is better :))) Next, three-week mini-marathons are also good for quickly adjusting and focusing on areas that are “sagging” for you. It is advisable that there are not many of them either - a maximum of 3. Because if you set yourself numerous “killer goals” in the spirit of getting more of everything and in the style of “a la the reaper, and the Swede, and the player on the pipe,” then this is a guarantee that all this will remain in your head and will torment you for life with an unfinished gestalt. If you dream of earning one hundred and five hundred million, creating 100 courses and writing a bestseller, all at the same time - forget it and better go drink a glass of water with lemon or stand in the 30-bar seconds This will be more useful and realistic. Today I recommend that you choose 3 areas that you would like to “pull up” and focus on them. Three weeks of active work on 3 specific areas and a week of reflection and integration of the results obtained. Every week you work on specific goals and tasks in each of the three areas you have chosen. Every week you analyze your progress in these areas and, if necessary, if circumstances and conditions have changed, adjust your movement. After 21 days of active work, you can enjoy a week of rest and restore your resources, so that later again begin an active cycle of changes in those areas that are required. Now about which areas to choose. And we choose: First, those areas in which YOU CAN REALLY INFLUENCE change without relying on the world around you and people. Secondly, those areas that you are sagging. Rely on and understand which ones you can use, for example, the “Wheel of Balance” technique. How it looks in practice. For March, I have identified 3 areas in which I will actively work: 1. Writing a course on constellations and creating/filling telegrams - a channel to support the course, its implementation in the future and attracting interested potential clients. For this, I thought through and created a plan of what needs to be done. And every day for the next three weeks (except Sundays) I study the course for at least an hour a day, more when possible.2. Health. I made an appointment with the doctors for the next 3 weeks to do the necessary research and tests. I checked my eyesight and ordered glasses at old prices with German lenses from a company that still supplies its products to Russia (lenses are becoming more expensive every day). I bought and ordered medications and supplements that I need to take on an ongoing basis. A minimum reserve in the current conditions certainly won’t hurt. 3. Training and improvement of professional competencies. I continue to go through the stages of CBT online and practice new techniques daily. I continue training at the next stage of regressive hypnosis using the method of Yulia Sudak, practicing new techniques with colleagues in the course. I plan to complete the training here and there in three weeks. I’m already thinking about the next development cycle for the April 3 weeks. Just think, in 1 year you can implement 36 useful habits and make significant progress in those.