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From the author: This article (with pictures) was published on my blog Ancient wisdom says that everything that happens to you in life is either a lesson, or education. And every new person in your life is either your friend or teacher. Someone teaches us to be stronger, someone - wiser, someone teaches us to forgive, someone - to be happy and enjoy every day. But it depends only on you what you learn in a given situation. For example, something happened to you, dear reader. Most likely something unpleasant. The wife (husband) left, the partner let him down, the friend betrayed him, he was fired from his job, his business was taken away, his apartment was taken away for mortgage debts, or some other of a million similar reasons. The first impression is depressing. If this happened to you just recently, then I’m sure you feel very bad now. You may not show it outwardly, but in your soul you are broken and depressed. And you'll be depressed for a while longer. But it’s up to you what happens next. Will you continue to be depressed or will you learn from it and move on? A person cannot stand still. It either develops or degrades. Therefore, only you can decide for yourself what to do. Any dwelling on negative emotions (“stuck” or “sadness”) can lead to degradation. Therefore, it is most correct to turn negative experience into the foundation of future success. How to do it? The first thing is to stop whining. Stop whining internally. The second is to “forgive and let go.” Forgive the “culprit” and let go of the “negative situation.” This will remove the bulk of the negative emotional load. To do this, it is best to talk with a psychologist who is familiar with the method of ecopsychological facilitation, or simply meditate. It is best to meditate during individual or group sessions in the Relaxation Anti-Stress Studio. The third - usually the result of the first and second, is when the negative emotional connotation of the situation disappears and the experience becomes visible. This experience is your most important acquisition. This experience is your asset, because... the emotional screen that obscured him no longer exists. Fourth is decision making. A clear decision is made for oneself - the decision to move on. A decision is made on a goal, a new goal or an old goal. Know that a goal is your dream, which is written on paper. Until the dream is written down, it cannot be realized. Fifth, a new path is being built. Several options for achieving goals are considered based on the experience gained. Sixth, an implementation plan is drawn up. Achieving the goal is divided into several stages. The plan MUST be in writing. In the form of a list of actions or a mental map. What do you do right away, who do you ask for advice if you don’t know the answer, what actions do you take and in what sequence, what actions do you take if plan “A” does not work or does not work as effectively as you would like. A plan is made to achieve a goal. But the stages of achievement are divided into a month, a week, every day (at this stage you can connect an intelligent coach). Seventh - the most important thing - we begin to implement the plan. Step by step, strictly following the instructions and reacting to external factors that tell you where your “corridor of success” is. Imagine your entire path to your goal as movement in some kind of corridor. And every mistake you make only means that you have touched the walls on the sides. And clearly in the middle is exactly your path. And once you have determined for yourself where the walls are, you will no longer fight against them, but will move forward exclusively along your own path. But remember: sometimes your path can be winding. But he still leads you to your dream. And finally, the eighth. When you reach your goal. Install a new one immediately. Because you can't stop. Stopping is degradation. Movement is life. And ninth, this is just advice. Get high not only from